Beta Reading and Editing Are Both Vital
Now, let’s be honest, fellow writers. Do you really need both beta reading and editing?
Why yes, yes you do.
Why? Because they serve rather dissimilar purposes. But they are both helpful for making your work the best it can possibly be. And, just to add to the confusion, there are plenty of people who can and will happily (and often rather skillfully!) do both.
What’s Up With Beta Reading?
A beta reader is a person (more than one is generally better) who reads your stuff and helps you polish it. They are looking for flow, for a good story, and for really whatever you tell them you want them to concentrate on.
Now, they are not here to tear you a new one. But at the same time, they are not here to tell you how wonderful you are all the time. Despite how lovely and ego-boosting that is, you are doing yourself no favors if you just surround yourself with fawning sycophants.
The idea behind this relationship is to get your prose in gear. And I can practically guarantee that your prose needs work. Why? Because pretty much everyone’s does. Don’t take that personally. That’s life in the big (writing) city.
But for the love of manuscripts, please don’t give a beta reader anything to beta read that you have not yet edited.
Still, keep in mind that it does not have to be absolutely perfect editing. A typo here or there is fine, so don’t beat yourself up over that or anything.
What I am talking about is making certain that you have already plucked the low-hanging fruit of editing.
That is, your sentences should be grammatically correct. Subjects agree with predicates. Nouns agree with verbs. If you name your character Susan on page one, she does not magically turn into Suzanne on page three unless you explain it on the page.
In short, you have been careful and attentive with your work, without making yourself neurotic over it. Well not much neurotic-er, okay?
In the Between Time, Between Beta Reading and Editing
So, let’s say your awesome beta readers have helped you out. They have exceeded your wildest expectations! What do you do? Well, you edit some more, of course.
But, but, I just edited for them.
Er, okay. You’re still not done.
This time around, you want to be addressing their concerns, their complaints, and their suggestions.
Oh, and keep in mind that their suggestions might not be correct. How can you tell? Do some research if something feels off to you. Do not take their feedback as gospel.
Spoiler alert: it’s not.
Personally, when I beta read for others, I will do everything from tell them I think a sentence landed well, to giving them ideas on rewriting vague or wordy passages. And I will also do some basic researching but will also make suggestions.
Here, in between, you’re getting the MS in shape for the editor.
Uh, why am I editing for an editor? Isn’t that a lot like straightening up before a house cleaner arrives?
Yes, and no.
Edit for the Editor
So, why do you edit for an editor?
Because they’re costly, silly!
And they can take a while. So, if you can fix your split infinitives problem (or the like) on your own, then editing by a professional will take less time. This will save you money better spent on stuff like promotions and covers.
What if I edit so much and so well, that I don’t need an editor?
That will never happen. Seriously. Don’t even give that another thought.
This is nothing personal, so please don’t think I am being mean. It’s more that we get so close to our own work, we are unable to see its flaws. Beta reading is for spotting continuity issues and flow and making sure it’s a good story.
Editing is also for continuity, but it’s also for grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, etc.
Much (albeit not all) of editing addresses technical concerns where the law (if you will) is settled. So, for example, the first person singular pronoun in English (AKA I) gets the present tense form of to be in the form of a word not used anywhere else—am.
I am a rock, I am an island. Or, I am somebody. Or, if you prefer, I am Spartacus.
Except for casual speech and perhaps for poetry, there are no exceptions to this rule. So, do your editors a favor and fix stuff like this before you hand your manuscript over. Pluck that low-hanging fruit so you don’t have to pay someone else to do so.
The Four Flavors of Editors
There are different types of editing. And yes, I am lumping them together here. That’s deliberate. Stay with me, folks.
For most indie authors, unless you really start to make it big, or you want to dip into your own money, you will probably only be able to afford one form of editing.
Developmental Editing
This is editing for story and for voice. If you’ve worked with good beta readers, then you have more or less gotten this done already. If you want to save some cash, and your beta readers have been good and thorough, then skip this one.
But if your beta readers have been iffy or you didn’t get a lot of feedback, or if you never heard from some of them, then you may need this. So, what’s the solution?
Get more and better beta readers, if you can. Here is where that truly pays off.
Copy Editing
Here’s your grammar, punctuation, etc. review. Some beta readers do some of this. I do. But these corrections can be subsumed into the next one. So, again, to save money, you can skip this if you get good substantive editing.
Substantive Editing
If you can only afford one form of editing, this is what you want. They will go a bit beyond copy editing to work on style and phrasing. Your beta readers might do a small amount of this, but do not expect them to do the heavy lifting.
In particular, independent editors, or consultants (that is, generally people who do editing for indies) will for the most part be a mix of this and copy editing.
Since this is vital, and because you’re bypassing other forms of editing for this one, you may want to make a significant investment.
Ask around, and have your candidate(s) work on a sample of your work before committing yourself. Pay attention to reviews/what other writers tell you about a particular editor.
For example, if an editor has been unresponsive to five other people, they probably will be with you, too. So, find someone else, no matter what they’re charging you.
This is the last line of defense before a draft goes live. Proofreaders catch all those nagging little typos, and they will fix formatting. If you are published traditionally, then the publishing company will still do this. But if you are self-publishing, this is all on you.
Do yourself a favor and get a second (or third, etc.) set of eyes on your work. Some typos can be particularly tenacious. And sometimes, you just don’t spot them until you’ve hit Publish.
But not to worry. Amazon (for example) has no problem with you uploading a new version of your MS and overwriting the old one. After all, it’s not just in your best interests for your work to be correct.
It’s in theirs as well.
So, never hesitate to correct your stuff. You will be a lot happier if you address this issue as soon as possible.
Beta Reading and Editing and You
I don’t pretend to have all the answers. This is really just a collection of all the wisdom about these services which I have gathered over the years.
If had to give exactly one piece of advice about beta reading, it would be to work with people who you trust will tell you the truth, but not abuse you when they do so.
And if I had to give just one piece of advice about editing, it would be to ask around, give editors a test run, and pick whoever you work best with.
And for both beta reading and editing, my advice is—learn grammar rules as well as you can. A well-put-together manuscript is going to be beta read and edited faster, and you’ll have less you’ll have to do after each step.
In order to get the most out of beta reading and editing, respect people’s time, skill level, and mental energy. In other words, do not give people a garbage can full of unfiltered words.
Beta reading and editing—why you, yes YOU! need both… #amreading #amediting
Want More on Beta Reading and Editing?
If you want more on beta reading and editing, then please check out the following posts:
Beta Reading:
• Beta Reading for Indie Writers
† Beta Reading, Part 2
• Working With a Beta Reader
† Beta Readers and Editors
• Writing Needs Editing, Part 1
† Writing Needs Editing, Part 2
• Choosing an Editor
† Editing Tips
• How to Edit a Manuscript: 7 Stages to Success
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