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Welcome to My Welcome Mat?

So, welcome and make yourself at home! I’ll just adjust the welcome mat…

Rolling Out the Welcome Mat to You!

My journey has taken a number of turns and there is no doubt in my mind that it will take several more. But that’s how everyone’s life goes, yes?

So, I’ll start semi- from the beginning. Kinda, sorta.

For my entire life, I have chafed against the idea that I would find something that would make me happy forever (except for my husband! 🙂 — but I digress). I mean it in the sense of a career.

After all, how can I (or most people, for that matter) know what will keep me happy and engaged for, say, fifty years?

Complicating matters is the fact that I came of age long before computers were as ubiquitous as they are right now.

But I always knew I wanted something different. But it wasn’t until maybe the turn of this millennium that I finally started to see it with some clarity.

Is this it? Is blogging, social media, content, or some combination thereof… it?

I confess I am still unsure.

And if that makes me flaky to others, well, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet, folks.

PS This blog is a continual work in progress. If it changes tomorrow, well, you can’t say I didn’t warn you.

Content, Content, and more Content For the Welcome Mat and Beyond

I blog. A lot. Seriously, I can’t stop blathering. So again, you cannot say that you did not have a warning.

I write about my writing, about social media, and about writing as a business and/or hobby. That is, it’s stuff about querying and the like.

And the truth is, if you have any other ideas for the kinds of hot (heh, more like lukewarm) takes I have about any of these topics or something similar, then let me know! I am more than willing to expand my horizons. After all, that’s how I learn/

Writing and Stuff Outside the Actual Welcome Mat

I’m a writer. I make characters out of thin air, and they come to life (if I’ve done my job right) with just the application of pixels or ink on a page.

If they don’t feel real, then I want to know about it!


Yes, I have them. Don’t you? Am I right about everything?

Ha, that is to laugh. But I try. 🙂

And I put myself out there. It is a risk like any other. One which I hope will pay off in some manner, of course.

See ya ’round the interwebz.

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More About Me and You and What I Do

If this article resonates with you, then check out some of my other blog posts and pages about me and what I do and why I’m here:

About Me
My Resume
Universal Explorations
Querying and Publishing Stats
Writing Progress Reporting
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Copyright Janet Gershen-Siegel 2025