Let’s Look Back at First Quarter 2025
How was first quarter 2025 for writing? So, I spent first quarter 2025 editing and updating older works, and finishing some short stories from even as far back as 2021. I did a ton of writing while juggling, well, the rest of my life. So, there was that…
First Quarter 2025 Completed and Posted Works
First of all, I worked on a number of new short stories. A lot of these had been drafted on paper and so I spent some time editing them and getting them into electronic form.
After finishing the #30Day50k story, Bet on Marnie, I decided to do something a little different. And so, I started an ambitious crossover called Timelines are Alive. Work on this fairly long story spilled over into the first quarter of 2025.
I was originally calling the crossover The Black Month, but I’d rather keep that title for something else.
In addition, I worked on a wholly unplanned story called Scholars and Spies. It exists within the Obolonk universe but after the first two trilogies. It may even take place after the third, as it brings in the Tronians. Hmm.
Also, I combined Almost Shipwrecked and Hot Mess into one, longer story which is now called Cheryl and the Lizard Elves. And, I started to piece together The Meeting, Designer Maroon, and Just Married, into a larger story, which I am calling Tying the Knot with a Tefrain.
In addition, I finished some older stories from 2021, namely Saddle Up, Bank Teller!, Odessa (now called When Russia Attacked Texas), Guilty of Imperfection, Building Trust, Mina’s Mission, Caring for Carole, and Martin’s Choice.
Then on Wattpad I posted nowhere, although I did take note of stats.
Also, I have written over 3.75 million words (fan fiction and wholly original fiction combined, with about 2 million words in original writing!). So right now my stats on Wattpad for wholly original works are as follows:
† Dinosaurs – 43 reads, 11 comments
• How to NaNoWriMo – 26,183 reads, 340 comments (pulled from Wattpad due to their severing their association with NaNoWriMo)
† My Favorite Things (like kibble) – 999 reads, 133 comments
• Revved Up – 59,524 reads, 531 comments
† Side By Side – 22 reads, 2 comments
• Social Media Guide for Wattpad – 17,080 reads, 592 comments
† The Canadian Caper – 531 reads, 37 comments
• The Dish – 256 reads, 24 comments
† There is a Road – 191 reads, 28 comments
Published Works as of First Quarter 2025
Also, I am amassing quite the collection of published works! So, here’s everything that has found a home so far.
Untrustworthy, which is my first published novel. So yay!
A True Believer in Skepticism, published in Mythic Magazine.
Almost Shipwrecked, a story in the January 2019 edition of Empyreome, a site which unfortunately is no more. In addition, this story is now a section within a longer story completed in 2025—
Canaries, a short story in the March 29, 2019, edition of Theme of Absence.
Complications, a story in the Queer Sci Fi Discovery anthology. So this is an anthology where the proceeds went to supporting the QSF website.
Cynthia and Wilder Bloom, stories in the Longest Night Watch II anthology.
Props, a story in the Longest Night Watch I anthology. So this is an anthology where the proceeds go to Alzheimer’s research.
Surprises, a story in Book One of the 42 and Beyond Anthology set.
The Boy in the Band, a story in the Pride Park anthology. So this is an anthology where the proceeds go to the Trevor Project.
The Interview, the featured story in the December 14, 2018 edition of Theme of Absence. So they even interviewed me!
The Last Patient, a story in the Stardust, Always anthology. This was an anthology where the proceeds go to cancer research.
The Resurrection of Ditte, a story in the Unrealpolitik anthology.
This is My Child, a short story published in the April 8, 2019 edition of Asymmetry Fiction, another site which is no more.
Three Minutes Back in Time, a short story published in Mythic Magazine.
Killing Us Softly, a short story published in Corner Bar Magazine.
Darkness into Light, a short story published in Corner Bar Magazine.
WIP Corner
In addition, my current longest WIPs are as follows:
The Obolonk Murders Trilogy – so this one is all about a tripartite society. But who’s killing the aliens?
The Enigman Cave – can we find life on another planet and not screw it up? You know, like we do everything else?
The Real Hub of the Universe Trilogy – so the aliens who live among us in the 1870s and 1880s are at war. But why is that?
Mettle – so it’s all about how society goes to hell in a hand basket when the metals of the periodic table start to disappear. But then what?
Time Addicts – No One is Safe – so this one is all about what happens in the future when time travel becomes possible via narcotic.
Time Addicts – Nothing is Permanent – this is the second in this trilogy. What happens when time is tampered with and manipulated in all sorts of ways? It’s the ultimate in gaslighting, for one thing.
Time Addicts – Everything is Up For Grabs – as the timelines smack together and continue to diverge, it gets harder to tell the “real” timeline from all the newer fake ones. And what if some of the changes are for the better?
The Duck in the Seat Cushion – in the 1960s, MJ Tanner is the only Jewish student in her school in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Navigating antisemitism is one thing. But when her mother abandon’s the family, MJ’s life gets even more complicated.
Prep Work
So, currently, my intention, for 2026 or 2027’s November writing, is to write the third trilogy in the Time Addicts/Obolonks universe. But I need to iron out the plot! So, I’ll undoubtedly spend some of this year on that. I have no name for this one yet.
For 2022 – 2026 NaNoWriMo/30Day50k events, I have decided to create a prequel for each of the 5 main universes.
These are: Real Hub of the Universe, Obolonks, Time Addicts (while the Obolonks and Time Addicts are in the same universe, I just plain want to write two separate prequels!), Untrustworthy, The Enigman Cave, and Mettle.
In 2022, I wrote the prequels for Time Addicts and The Real Hub of the Universe. For 2023, it was the Untrustworthy prequel and Obolonk prequels. And for 2024, it was the Enigman Cave prequel.
The Mettle prequel is set for 2025. But I just might end up bumping it in favor of a new idea that’s kicking around and won’t let go…
So, I anticipate a lot of fun and perhaps a little confusion. But it’s all good!
First Quarter 2025 Queries and Submissions
The older ones have moved. You can find them on my Publishing Stats page.
It’s been quiet. But that has been by design. Right now, I just plain don’t feel like putting myself out there these days. There, I said it.
In Progress
As of first quarter 2025, nothing is in the running for publishing.
I updated the Submissions Grinder and know that, at some point, I will have to get back up on that horse.
But not just yet….
First Quarter 2025 – Productivity Killers
So, it’s looking for work, what else? And it’s looking like first quarter 2025 will not be the end of that. Continually looking for work is not how I wanted to spend this time of my life. Yet here we are, all the same.
Takeaways for the First Quarter 2025
I have been doing these progress reports for a good seven years! Holy cow! And while they aren’t necessarily the most thrilling prose that I write, I think they’re pretty valuable all the same.
Many thanks for reading!
Querying and Publishing Stats
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