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Writing Progress Report – First Quarter 2025

Let’s Look Back at First Quarter 2025

How was first quarter 2025 for writing? So, I spent first quarter 2025 editing and updating older works, and finishing some short stories from even as far back as 2021. I did a ton of writing while juggling, well, the rest of my life. So, there was that…

First Quarter 2025 Completed and Posted Works

First of all, I worked on a number of new short stories. A lot of these had been drafted on paper and so I spent some time editing them and getting them into electronic form.

After finishing the #30Day50k story, Bet on Marnie, I decided to do something a little different. And so, I started an ambitious crossover called Timelines are Alive. Work on this fairly long story spilled over into the first quarter of 2025.

I was originally calling the crossover The Black Month, but I’d rather keep that title for something else.

In addition, I worked on a wholly unplanned story called Scholars and Spies. It exists within the Obolonk universe but after the first two trilogies. It may even take place after the third, as it brings in the Tronians. Hmm.

Also, I combined Almost Shipwrecked and Hot Mess into one, longer story which is now called Cheryl and the Lizard Elves. And, I started to piece together The Meeting, Designer Maroon, and Just Married, into a larger story, which I am calling Tying the Knot with a Tefrain.

In addition, I finished some older stories from 2021, namely Saddle Up, Bank Teller!, Odessa (now called When Russia Attacked Texas), Guilty of Imperfection, Building Trust, Mina’s Mission, Caring for Carole, and Martin’s Choice.

Then on Wattpad I posted nowhere, although I did take note of stats.


Also, I have written over 3.75 million words (fan fiction and wholly original fiction combined, with about 2 million words in original writing!). So right now my stats on Wattpad for wholly original works are as follows:

† Dinosaurs – 43 reads, 11 comments
• How to NaNoWriMo – 26,183 reads, 340 comments (pulled from Wattpad due to their severing their association with NaNoWriMo)
† My Favorite Things (like kibble) – 999 reads, 133 comments
Revved Up – 59,524 reads, 531 comments
† Side By Side – 22 reads, 2 comments
• Social Media Guide for Wattpad – 17,080 reads, 592 comments
† The Canadian Caper – 531 reads, 37 comments
The Dish – 256 reads, 24 comments
There is a Road – 191 reads, 28 comments

Published Works as of First Quarter 2025

Also, I am amassing quite the collection of published works! So, here’s everything that has found a home so far.

Untrustworthy, which is my first published novel. So yay!

A True Believer in Skepticism, published in Mythic Magazine.

Almost Shipwrecked, a story in the January 2019 edition of Empyreome, a site which unfortunately is no more. In addition, this story is now a section within a longer story completed in 2025—

Canaries, a short story in the March 29, 2019, edition of Theme of Absence.

Complications, a story in the Queer Sci Fi Discovery anthology. So this is an anthology where the proceeds went to supporting the QSF website.

Cynthia and Wilder Bloom, stories in the Longest Night Watch II anthology.

Props, a story in the Longest Night Watch I anthology. So this is an anthology where the proceeds go to Alzheimer’s research.

Surprises, a story in Book One of the 42 and Beyond Anthology set.

The Boy in the Band, a story in the Pride Park anthology. So this is an anthology where the proceeds go to the Trevor Project.

The Interview, the featured story in the December 14, 2018 edition of Theme of Absence. So they even interviewed me!

The Last Patient, a story in the Stardust, Always anthology. This was an anthology where the proceeds go to cancer research.

The Resurrection of Ditte, a story in the Unrealpolitik anthology.

This is My Child, a short story published in the April 8, 2019 edition of Asymmetry Fiction, another site which is no more.

Three Minutes Back in Time, a short story published in Mythic Magazine.

Killing Us Softly, a short story published in Corner Bar Magazine.

Darkness into Light, a short story published in Corner Bar Magazine.

WIP Corner

In addition, my current longest WIPs are as follows:

The Obolonk Murders Trilogy – so this one is all about a tripartite society. But who’s killing the aliens?

The Enigman Cave – can we find life on another planet and not screw it up? You know, like we do everything else?

The Real Hub of the Universe Trilogy – so the aliens who live among us in the 1870s and 1880s are at war. But why is that?

Mettle – so it’s all about how society goes to hell in a hand basket when the metals of the periodic table start to disappear. But then what?

Time Addicts – No One is Safe – so this one is all about what happens in the future when time travel becomes possible via narcotic.

Time Addicts – Nothing is Permanent – this is the second in this trilogy. What happens when time is tampered with and manipulated in all sorts of ways? It’s the ultimate in gaslighting, for one thing.

Time Addicts – Everything is Up For Grabs – as the timelines smack together and continue to diverge, it gets harder to tell the “real” timeline from all the newer fake ones. And what if some of the changes are for the better?

The Duck in the Seat Cushion – in the 1960s, MJ Tanner is the only Jewish student in her school in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Navigating antisemitism is one thing. But when her mother abandon’s the family, MJ’s life gets even more complicated.

Prep Work

So, currently, my intention, for 2026 or 2027’s November writing, is to write the third trilogy in the Time Addicts/Obolonks universe. But I need to iron out the plot! So, I’ll undoubtedly spend some of this year on that. I have no name for this one yet.

For 2022 – 2026 NaNoWriMo/30Day50k events, I have decided to create a prequel for each of the 5 main universes.

These are: Real Hub of the Universe, Obolonks, Time Addicts (while the Obolonks and Time Addicts are in the same universe, I just plain want to write two separate prequels!), Untrustworthy, The Enigman Cave, and Mettle.

In 2022, I wrote the prequels for Time Addicts and The Real Hub of the Universe. For 2023, it was the Untrustworthy prequel and Obolonk prequels. And for 2024, it was the Enigman Cave prequel.

The Mettle prequel is set for 2025. But I just might end up bumping it in favor of a new idea that’s kicking around and won’t let go…

So, I anticipate a lot of fun and perhaps a little confusion. But it’s all good!

First Quarter 2025 Queries and Submissions

The older ones have moved. You can find them on my Publishing Stats page.

It’s been quiet. But that has been by design. Right now, I just plain don’t feel like putting myself out there these days. There, I said it.

In Progress

As of first quarter 2025, nothing is in the running for publishing.

I updated the Submissions Grinder and know that, at some point, I will have to get back up on that horse.

But not just yet….

First Quarter 2025 – Productivity Killers

So, it’s looking for work, what else? And it’s looking like first quarter 2025 will not be the end of that. Continually looking for work is not how I wanted to spend this time of my life. Yet here we are, all the same.

Takeaways for the First Quarter 2025

I have been doing these progress reports for a good seven years! Holy cow! And while they aren’t necessarily the most thrilling prose that I write, I think they’re pretty valuable all the same.

Many thanks for reading!

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Self-Review – Back, Front, and Side Pages

Let’s Look at Back, Front, and Side Pages

When I first wrote Back, Front, and Side Pages, I hadn’t written about time traveler Sharon Ensley yet.

And the more I think about it, the more I realize that this might be a decent story to fold into her time/timeline. The traveler could even be someone else in the department—maybe even someone who leaves or even someone who loses their job. Hmm.

After all, she’s much more entrepreneurial than the rest of the department. Perhaps there’s even some corruption there.

I wrote this story during the first quarter of 2021.


I came up with Back, Front, and Side Pages as a parody of the old Byrds hit, My Back Pages.

My Back Pages can, at times, feel like a time travel song.

I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now

So, while I realize that Bob Dylan was writing about disillusionment rather than time travel, I still think the song works, in a way.

And so, as a kind of thought experiment, I got to thinking about alternatives to back pages. Hence, front and side. And where do pages go? In a book, of course!

Plot for Back, Front, and Side Pages

Agents McAllister and Fernandez have on their hands what they believe is a harmless crackpot. After all, anyone who believes that time travel is real has got to be nuts, right?

Er, right?

As they play good cop/bad cop, the two officers debate about the reality of time travel. McAllister, who’s already playing the good cop, has an open mind about it. Yet Fernandez, in keeping with her role as the bad cop, dismisses it out of hand as being impossible.

But all is not it seems, as the woman in front of them tells them a few tantalizing details about an alternate universe, where Lincoln was never shot; the dodo never went extinct; and Lennon and McCartney wrote a song called Yesteryear, not Yesterday.

But at least their climate change is better.


The characters are time traveler Joli Parrish, cops Chuck McAllister and Mary Pat Fernandez, and another Joli Parrish who is native to Chuck and Mary Pat’s timeline.

Memorable Quotes from Back, Front, and Side Pages

Joli sighed again. This is way more than I would or should normally reveal. But getting out of the interrogation room is Job One. I can deal with any other fallout later. And maybe a kid’s explanation will suffice. She bit her lip before speaking. “Timelines are parallel. That is, they normally are. But my tech bends the lines, in a way. This allows for an intersection. But the intersection only goes so far. Can I borrow your notebook?”

“Sure,” said McAllister, handing it over.

“Let’s say page fourteen of this little notebook is the original timeline. The fourteenth page, even if the pages aren’t numbered. I bend the timeline, and it’s like dogearing page fourteen so it touches page fifteen. The lines intersect, and all of a sudden I’m on page fifteen. I can go back to page fourteen somewhat easily. And I can progress to page sixteen if I want to. But page two hundred and fifty is out of the question unless I step further and further along. I dogear page after page after page. If I go back or forward or sideways far enough, I’ll lose my place.”

“But can’t you, like, bookmark it, or something?” asked Fernandez.

“I thought you didn’t believe her, Mary Pat.”

“Let’s just say that me, I’m kinda intrigued. So, can you bookmark page fourteen?”


The story has a K rating. There’s no violence or bad language at all.


I like this explanation quite a bit. And since—maybe—Joli is corrupted, she may fit in well to explain some other issues with time travel I’ve got in my stories. But I don’t want her to be my only go-to villain.

Click to buy Untrustworthy on Amazon

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Self-Review – Alien Justice

Let’s Look at Alien Justice

Given that I am a retired attorney, the idea of investigating alien justice was irresistible. In addition, I figure it would differ from ours. Perhaps by quite a bit. And, what we think of as cruel and unusual punishment could very well be business as usual for them.

I wrote this story during the second quarter of 2021.


There’s been an exchange of scientists between Earth and a species called the Tronians. Sharp-eyed readers may realize these are the same people as the hero species in Out of the Work Camp Frying Pan.

But the human scientists don’t take things as seriously as they should.

Plot for Alien Justice

Evelyn Cooper and her colleagues decide to cut loose one evening on an alien world. This includes skinny dipping in what turns out to be the Sacred Spring of Aardsmi.

The host species, the Tronians, are none too pleased about this disrespectful violation of one of their most sacred spaces. But it almost doesn’t matter if anyone’s caught, for the toxicity of the waters will kill the trespassers in a few days.

And death will be so messy and painful that it will basically resemble torture. So, therefore, it could cause a serious interspecies incident.

But when only Evelyn is caught by the authorities, it’s up to her to convince the court to save her and her fellow scientists.


The human characters are biologist Evelyn Cooper (she studies bacteria), her roommate Tanya, her lawyer Patty Franklin, fellow miscreant Damon, and the resident assistant, Randy. If this sounds a lot like a college dorm, it should.

There are other human characters, but I don’t name them or give them any lines.

The Tronians are birdlike, with names like Feathertail and Blue Down. There’s also a Chief Judge, but I don’t give them a name.

As for the name Aardsmi? It’s for retired baseball player Dave Aardsma. I just think his surname sounds a little alien, so it works for me. Hope you don’t mind, Dave.

Memorable Quotes

The planet was more yellow than green, with orangey-red water that took some getting used to. Mountains had snowcaps, just like Earth, but the orange snow gave the whole area the look of a perpetual sunrise. Or sunset.

It had something or other to do with the bacteria and dust in the air. Evelyn Cooper had been sent to study it, as a part of a cultural exchange program. And, in return, Tronians had been sent to Earth and the rest of the Solar System. It was an even exchange of bodies, for Evelyn was far from alone.

A warm day had given way to skinny dipping in a local pool. The pool was a natural phenomenon, not a human or Tronian-made structure.

There was everything utterly verboten about it. The night, lit by four small moons. The pool, with its metallic-smelling contents. And the hunky geologist.

Rating for Alien Justice

The story has a K+ rating. While nothing untoward really happens, Evelyn and the others really could die. And, they were skinny dipping—but I don’t describe anything in detail.


I loved the Tronians so much that I used them in another story. And I may use them again. In fact, they may even end up in the Obolonk Universe. We’ll see.

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Self-Review – Camp

Let’s Go Back to Camp for a Review

I attended summer camp for several years when I was a tween and then a teenager, at three separate camps. These were fun and formative experiences. And, for the most part, they all took place during the same time this story is set in.

I wrote this short story during the second quarter of 2021.


The most conventional of the three camps I attended was actually owned by my great-uncle. And so, a lot of what happens (such as the activities, and even the films), I lifted straight from Camp Ben-Ann in the 1970s.

Because this would not have worked with the horseback riding or wilderness camps I also attended as a teenager in the 1970s.

I also worked as a counselor for a more conventional place. But that was a day camp.

The prompt was the word: harmony.


Junior counselor Harmony is in charge of fourth grade girls, and is none too impressed. It’s the summer of 1978. She’s about 16 or 17, which means she was probably born in 1961 or 1962. Therefore, this makes her a member of the Generation Jones cohort.

Every bunk has to put on a skit for a talent show during Parents’ Weekend. With no real plan, Harmony ends up getting the girls to sing and dance to Night Fever from the hottest movie of the summer, Saturday Night Fever.

Just as she despairs of having any sort of a good time, she spots a cute guy in the audience. He turns out to be the older brother of Didi, the camper she dislikes the most.


The characters are Harmony, Didi, and Didi’s big brother Mickey. There are other people like the other girls in the bunk, Mickey and Didi’s parents, the director, and senior counselors. But I don’t give them any lines.

Memorable Quotes from Camp

I sat down on the grass with an ice cream cone—that was our big prize—and I was wearing my H shirt. I made it myself in Art. It’s all tie-dyed and stuff. One of a kind.

Voice behind me, some guy reading the back of my shirt which, just like the front, only has a big H on it.

He starts cycling through H names. I’ve heard this God knows how many times before.

Heather. Heidi. Holly. Hannah. Helene. Helen. Honey. Hope.

That he digs into the old, weird, and ugly H names for girls.

Henrietta. Hildegard. Harriet. Hortense. Hester. Hattie. Hedwig.

Then I guess he gave up, ‘cause I of course hadn’t turned around once.

Rating for Camp

The story has a K rating. There are only a few naughty words in there, and if you blink, you’ll miss them.


One of the things that really makes this story work for me is the fact that I remember someone had graffitied a bunk with the lyrics to the Elton John song, Harmony.

So, I guess Harmony and me are pretty good company, eh?

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Self-Review – Saddle Up, Bank Teller!

Let’s Look at Saddle Up, Bank Teller!

For Saddle Up, Bank Teller, the prompt was just one word: renegade.

And what better kind of renegade than someone who is essentially in a western?

But all is not as it seems.

I wrote this story during the third quarter of 2021. But I didn’t finish it under the fourth quarter of 2024.


While a renegade is better defined as a person who betrays an organization or a country, I wanted this to be a story of someone who, yes, betrays an organization. But his reasons are spot on. So, he’s actually a good guy. Well…kinda.

This story essentially takes place after short stories like Aenor the Wanted and Viva André, but long before The Ides of the Secretarial Pool. Could all of these stories take place in the same universe, and the same timeline?


In fact, this story could, conceivably, dovetail with Mina’s Mission. The two short stories are very close, when it comes to the years when they are set.

Plot for Saddle Up, Bank Teller!

When Dodge City bank teller Bruce Bergman is told to mischaracterize certain bank expenses, he knows there’s something unethical going on. But uncovering a conspiracy to commit fraud is just the beginning, as Bruce takes the money and flees to the New Mexico territory.

With the help of a sympathetic priest and an uncorrupted sheriff, can Bruce catch the bad guys without going to prison himself, or being caught on the wrong end of a pistol?


The characters are Bruce Bergman, Father Emil Alvarez, Carl Dempsey, John Corcoran, Fred Williams, and the sheriff, a man who Father Alvarez knows personally. But he just calls the man Raymond.

Oh, and just in case anyone’s wondering, yes, there were plenty of Jewish folks in the old west.

Memorable Quotes

Bruce made it to the mission after a few more days, just as the sun was setting. He got his horse to a stable and paid in advance and took the saddlebags.

Bruce walked back to the mission and the door opened for him. It was a priest, who had undoubtedly seen him arrive. “Come in, my child.”

“Thanks. I, I’m not a Catholic.”

“None of us are perfect.” The priest smiled. “What is your name?” He waved Bruce in and shut the door.

“Kenneth—Kenneth Delaney.” Delaney had been Bruce’s housemate at Harvard.

“I see. I am Father Alvarez. Why don’t you sit down?” He gestured at the closest pew.

“Well, I don’t want to disrupt things if you’re about to have services.”

“Not until tomorrow. How long have you been traveling, Mr. Delaney, is it?”

“Yes, Delaney. A few days. I know I must look a fright. I need a bath and a shave. My apologies for my appearance.”

Rating for Saddle Up, Bank Teller!

The story has a K rating. Despite the fact that everyone carries a gun—and is not afraid to use it—no one ever fires a shot.


While I am happy with how I ended this one, I still never really answered the question as to why Bruce took the money in the first place! Someone with his experience and education would undoubtedly know it wasn’t going to be a good look.

And even if he was relatively sheltered (the guy’s got a Harvard education, after all), he had to have realized there would be a lot of people, including officers of the law, who would shoot first, and ask questions later.

Having the goods on him wasn’t going to prevent someone from immediately assuming his guilt. To the contrary. Plus, of course, someone could have robbed him.

And so, even at the end, I don’t exonerate him. In fact, even the reader doesn’t really find out what happens to him. So, I think I’m okay with never answering what should really be the reader’s biggest and most nagging question.

So, is Bruce a good guy, or not? What do you think, gentle reader? And do you think it really matters in the end?

Click to buy Untrustworthy on Amazon

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Self-Review – The New Kid

Let’s Look at The New Kid

It’s no wonder why a lot of pilot episodes of series will have someone meeting everyone. It’s a natural way to get in exposition. Writing about a new kid is nothing new. And so, I figured I would give it a whirl.

I wrote this story during the first quarter of 2024.

Background for The New Kid

To introduce, perhaps, a whole new universe, what better way to do so than with a student exchange program?

Plot for The New Kid

Class stoner Charline (Charlie) Mahoney is chosen to represent all of Earth’s students in a cultural exchange program with an alien species, the Alphans.

As the only human on their planet, she has to navigate a world where she’s an ambassador with neither portfolio nor training.

Complicating matters are the facts that the Alphans have three genders, and bullies target Charlie at school.

But Charlie’s resilient, and just might come out of the experience better than anyone would have a right to expect.


Human characters are Charline Mahoney and Karen Perfetti (she’s the chaperone for Charline’s counterpart, Moonshine). I mention her parents, but I don’t think I ever name them.

The translating program gives the Alphans random nouns, as their names are unpronounceable. Sometimes, the names are pretty amusing, and sometimes they seem to be conferring value judgments.

Alphan characters include Moonshine, Lantern, Generation, Alewife, Schooner, Digger, Toad, and Smoke.

Memorable Quotes

Moonshine asked me the weirdest question the other day in their letter: what’s a country?

And so, I could have been really flip about it, but I wanted to do the work (God, what the hell happened to the old stoner me?), so I pulled the definition out of an old encyclopedia. It basically just means a politically drawn area where people live.

But I also asked them: why do you want to know?

Their answer kind of freaked me out: we don’t have them.

Rating for The New Kid

The story has a K+ rating. Charline gets into a fight and some of her language isn’t the kind of stuff you hear at tea parties.

Takeaways for The New Kid

So, I like Charline (Charlie), and I think she’s got some potential. But I’m not so sure where and when I can add to her overall story. So, I am hoping I can find a way to bring this somewhat reformed stoner back.

Oh and note: this isn’t the only story where I use a translator program that ascribes weird words when an alien one can’t be pronounced or readily understood. Another such story is Alien Allies.

Click to buy Untrustworthy on Amazon

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Self-Review – Vive André

A Look at Vive André

This story, Vive André, comes from a one-word prompt: executioner.

I wrote this story during the first quarter of 2021.


I wanted to capture a bit of how the French Revolution was far from pretty or nice. While I think a lot of people realize that there were a lot of beheadings and riots, there had to have been other, more personal indignities.

For a people who had starved while royalty wasted money and food because they were bored, the idea of humiliating the captive royals had to have been irresistible. It’s like the ultimate case of adding insult to a, truly, ultimate injury.

But I like to feel that, even in the face of such a demand for nasty spectacle, that someone could emerge who was, if not sympathetic, then at least not as dreadful. Yes, even in the middle of the Reign of Terror.

Plot for Vive André

At the bloodiest moments of the French Revolution, there was an executioner. Perhaps there were several. But one of them was compassionate, even as he ended the lives of Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, and Robespierre.

He was kind even though he didn’t need to be, and no one expected him to be. And in their last moments, prisoners got to experience a few seconds of kindness from a thoroughly unexpected source.


The characters are André, Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, and Robespierre. There’s a second prisoner to be executed on the day Louis is. But I don’t give that man any lines, and per André, he’s a ‘common thief’.

Memorable Quotes

“Your execution will be the greatest achievement of my life,” André said.

“What a dull and pedestrian life you must lead—perhaps a cruel one—to count spilling blood as a highlight.”

“But it’s royal blood, Your Highness.”

“And it is as red as your own. This is hardly the stuff of grand and glorious achievements.”

“Sire, it is.” André thought for a moment. “I’m sure you don’t want your last few hours to be spent in an argument with me.”

“That’s for sure. Where is my wife?”

“In another end of the prison, I think. And before you so much as ask, Sire, I am not allowed to ferry messages back and forth.”

“I see.”

“Has the time you have spent with the priest been to your satisfaction?”

“It’s not as if complaining will do me any good.”

“Then I shan’t ask you about your last meal.”

The king finally allowed himself to smile a bit. “I imagine you’ve had a few complaints before.”

“I have heard some, yes. I don’t tell the cook much. It seems an unnecessarily cruel thing to do.”

“You’re remarkably sensitive for an executioner. Tell me, what is your name?”


“I see no one else here.”

“I, Sire, may I inquire as to why you wish to know this?”

Another smile, but this one was tight. “You may call me Louis if you wish. It doesn’t matter anymore.”


“And I would rather converse with a friend in my last hours. Or, at least, someone who I can pretend is my friend. And who I hope will be so kind as to pretend to be my friend in return, if only for a few hours.”

Rating for Vive André

The story has a K rating. Surprised?

Even though it’s about executions, and even though I actually show Louis XVI’s, there is nothing harsh or disgusting on the page. I promise!


I think this one turned out rather well. I like how kind André is, but he also refuses to be pushed around. And how Louis has a moment of grace, where he tells André to sell Marie Antoinette’s hair and buy something utterly frivolous for his wife.

It’s truly the only bit of the end of Louis’s life where he can be generous, and he chooses to be. But Robespierre and Marie Antoinette? Not so much.

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Self-Review – Message in an Odd Bottle

Let’s Look at Message in an Odd Bottle

One of the inevitable facts about aging is that things just start to break. Lots of folks get tinnitus, and I believe I’m one of them. Mine sounds like singing or chanting, and so I wondered if it was a kind of message in an odd bottle, I guess you could say.

I wrote this story during the third quarter of 2024. The only prompt was the weird stuff I hear these days.


As a preliminary for the third trilogy in the Obolonk universe, I wanted to have a premise which I could use. Possibly having tinnitus gave me a great pretext. It would be a message across the light years.

And then, once I started writing Amy Blaustein, her voice was clear enough that it all started to fall into place.

Plot for Message in an Odd Bottle

American President Amy Blaustein has always had incredible hearing. As in, off the charts amazing. But when she starts to hear odd, faint chanting, it doesn’t make any sense to her.

When she hears the same chanting on the radio, she’s intrigued, particularly when a message comes through, asking her to send an email to, of all people, the hottest country star on the planet, Travis McHugh.

A meeting with McHugh turns into the development of a team who can hear the message. But what is it really about?


The characters are Amy Blaustein, the President of the United States; Clay Vincent, her Chief of Staff; Lana Giovanna, who is in charge of Amy’s schedule; Laverne Matthews, the chef; and Vice President Bryce Delaney.

There are also Vladislav Mikhailov, the President of Russia; Speaker of the House Robert Melville; driver Trey Boland; country star Travis McHugh; audiologist Dr. Kim Park; and others.

I visualize McHugh as being a little like Keith Urban.

Oh, and Stan the dog.

Memorable Quotes {Amy and her VP look to Appease the Head of the Russians}

“I asked Lola—dammit, Lana!—and Clay to find something legal that Mikhailov likes. We’ll say it’s a birthday present, sing if we have to, and call it a day. We’ll be super apologetic if necessary. You get the idea.”

“Wow, you’re like a noncustodial parent who forgets their kid’s birthday.” Bryce shook his head.

“I’ll have you know I have never forgotten Stan’s birthday.”

“That’s because an angry Stan is a dangerous Stan, with sharp teeth and claws. But an angry seven year old will stick you with their therapy bill. And an angry fourteen year old will cut you using words and strategically executed eyerolls.”

“Thank you for those visuals, Mr. Father of the Year, Twenty Eighty-Three Washington State Edition.”

“Hey, I’m just trying to help. I refuse to believe I was brought on to do nothing more than balance the ticket in eighty.”

“I ask you for advice all the time.” Wait, do I?

“Not like you do with Clayton,” said Bryce.

“I just know him longer. That’s all. But definitely call me out on stuff like this as you see it, okay? I won’t necessarily know you’re unhappy if you don’t tell me.”

“Not unhappy, per se. Just color me bored and very willing to help out. I just feel a little underutilized, is all.”

“Gotcha. So, do you have any thoughts on Mikhailov? Assuming Clay and Lana don’t come through. What would you do?”

“What do you mean, Amy?”

“I mean Father of the Year stuff for this hypothetical pissed off child with a forgotten birthday.”

“Who just so happens to be the leader of the Russians,” Bryce said.

“Yes, who just so happens to be the Russian president. How do you make peace with him?”

“I dunno. Think Mikhailov would want a pony?”

Rating for Message in an Odd Bottle

The story has a K+ rating. Nothing bad happens, but there is some foul language.

Takeaways for Message in an Odd Bottle

I really like this story as an entrée into the third trilogy. For, what kind of message could it possibly be, beyond a distress call?

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Want More of my Short Stories and Novellas?

If this story resonates with you, then check out some of my other articles about my shorter works.

Since this story happens within this century, it dovetails well with the first Obolonk trilogy. And then, it should be able to easily segue right into the third trilogy.

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Finally, for a complete list of my shorter works, please be sure to check out the Hub Page—Short Stories.

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Self-Review – Aenor the Wanted

Let’s Look at Aenor the Wanted

A good nine hundred to twelve hundred years ago or so, some of the most extraordinary technology in the world was mechanisms used for grinding wheat. In Aenor the Wanted, her father owns such a device.

I wrote this story during the third quarter of 2021. The one-word prompt was: mill.


The early medieval period in particular is just so unknown to us. Records are sparse, and particularly the records of anyone who wasn’t a landowner. And women and girls? Forget about it, unless they were queens or princesses.

So, I wanted a situation to come up (which may very well have happened in real life) where a woman would become the owner of some valuable property. And make no mistake—Aenor is probably only about twelve years old or so.

After all, she’s not expected to live past her thirty-fifth birthday. And she’ll only make it that far if she’s very lucky. Still, she’s gotten past the biggest hurdle—surviving past her ninth year of life.

Plot for Aenor the Wanted

When a fever kills her brothers, the miller’s daughter, Aenor, becomes his sole heir.

Being wealthy means any man in the village wishes to court her. The blacksmith, the butcher, and the tailor all try to woo her. But then the lord’s youngest son sends a troubadour as his emissary to see if he can win the not necessarily fair, but certainly rich, Aenor.

Yet Aenor’s truest wish is to take the family wealth and use it to afford an instructor, so she can finally learn how to read. But that may be something that even the kindest husband would find frivolous.

Aenor and the Other Characters

The characters are Aenor, the daughter of the miller, and Wolfram, the lord’s troubadour. Her father is William. Three of her suitors are John Butcher, James Smith, and Michael Tailor.

There’s also Sir Richard the lord’s youngest son, and two cooks from the castle, Kate and Sally. Just like everyone else, their surname is just their profession.

Memorable Quotes

The butcher presented a literal fatted calf. “The bread and the meat go together, you see.” He looked her up and down. “Just like you and I will.”

I felt a chill scrabble up my back. He is loathsome. Perhaps the blacksmith will be better. I turned to face him.

The blacksmith was as old as my father. “My gift to you is this.” He presented me with an ornate wrought iron bar, crossed with a second such bar.

“What am I looking at?”

“A fence if you wish. Or the framework for a home. The fire will always be hot, and I will always have work.”

I nodded. Between the two of them, he is better. But is he the best? “Those are good qualities.”

“He is old,” the butcher sniped. “You will never hunger with me. And a fire will be unnecessary. I will—” he apprised me again, “keep you warm in other ways.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Wolfram standing near the edge of a stream. He gazed at me briefly and then, I felt, he made as if he wasn’t watching.

“John Butcher,” I said, “If my father will not speak up for me, then I will speak up for myself. I do not wish to hear any more talk of bedroom activities. If you persist, then I shall refuse you.”

“Aenor!” My father was shocked. “You cannot say such things.”

“Papa,” I looked at him squarely in the eye, “If our circumstances were different, you would be insulted on my behalf. And you would have been doing everything in your power to vouchsafe my chastity.”

Rating for Aenor the Wanted

The story has a K rating. Nothing truly nasty happens, and even the ‘villain’ is well on his way to a better life by the end of the story.


I think this one turned out all right. But the ending is a bit too pat. Everyone gets something, and that’s quite simply not the way real life works. Particularly not life in medieval times.

And her name? It’s the same as that of Eleanor of Acquitaine’s mother. Eleanor quite literally was just ‘the other Aenor’.

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Self-Review – The Ides of the Secretarial Pool

Let’s Take a Look at The Ides of the Secretarial Pool

I really love the concept of The Ides of the Secretarial Pool, which is essentially a retelling of Julius Caesar, but with a midcentury twist.

I wrote this story during the third quarter of 2021.The single word prompt was: ambitious. And that got me thinking about, well, read on and find out.


When I was practicing law in the 1980s, the secretarial pool was still very much alive and kicking. Far as I can recall, every clerical worker would start off there. And then the more ambitious among them would either be promoted to an executive secretary position or leave.

Many administrative assistants would end up staying in the secretarial pool for nearly all if not all of their careers. And when first word processors and then personal computers arrived on the scene, an employee’s only real choice was to embrace the change.

Or she (these were nearly always women) could leave, either voluntarily or not so voluntarily. Sometimes, this was due to starting a family.


In the 1970s (one character mentions President Carter), a group of secretaries try to bring down another woman who they just plain don’t like.

This story is a retelling of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, taking place in a 1970s business office, with a catty group of clerical workers.

Characters in The Ides of the Secretarial Pool

The characters are Joan Chambers, the Julius Caesar character, and Bree, the Brutus character. Cassie is the Cassius character, whereas Kate is the Casca character. Amelia doesn’t really have an analogue in the original play, and stands in for all the other conspirators.

Plus there’s the mailroom attendant, Richard Davis, and the women’s boss, Mrs. Watson. Other executive types include Mr. Morgan, Mr. Wesley, and Mr. Benedict.

But only Wesley gets an real ‘screen time’. And yes, this is absolutely an era when the clerical staff would be called by their first names, and bosses by their surnames.

In addition, it’s also a time when women really did call each other ‘girls’.

After all, I witnessed all of this as late as 1986.

Memorable Quotes {the Characters are in the Company Cafeteria; Joan has Just Gotten Up}

“…. Damn, where’s she going?” Amelia nodded in Joan’s general direction.

“Off to suck up, I guess. Anything to get out of the typing pool. Makes me sick, girls.” Cassie frowned.

“I seem to recall that a few years ago, you also did just about anything to get out of the typing pool. You’re lucky Amelia and I took you under our wings.”

“Don’t spoil my fun, Kate. You’re almost as old as Joan.” Cassie’s tone took on an edge of menace.

“Cassie!” Amelia turned to Kate. “It was different back then. I mean, we liked Cassie. But Joan? Not a chance.”

“She needs someone to teach her a lesson.” Cassie narrowed her eyes. “But what?”


The story has a K+ rating. While there is no bad language or real violence, the conspirators are extremely nasty and they have no problem trying to ruin Joan’s life, just for kicks.

And the truth is, this one is nowhere near as farfetched as a lot of the other stories I have written, such as The New Kid. After all, sending the class stoner to meet aliens is kinda silly. But this story, eh, not so much.

Takeaways for The Ides of the Secretarial Pool

I really like how this one turned out, although I will be the first to admit that the idea of a dugout came from a recent re-viewing of Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

It’s got a kind of Mad Men vibe going on. The conspirators are jealous of Joan’s confidence and college education. As a result, they have qualms whatsoever about trying to knock Joan down as many notches as possible.

Whether she deserves it…or not.

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Want More of my Short Stories and Novellas?

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