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Getting Inspiration from Visual Artists

Getting Inspiration from Visual Artists

Visual artists and the visual arts can be a source of intense inspiration. Because their struggles can be a lot like a writer’s.

Consider how a piece of art makes any of us feel. Does it inspire? Or are you puzzled? Can it move you emotionally? And what’s happening around the fringes? Because sometimes the details and the background are of more interest than the main subject. You know, just like in books sometimes.

Hence let’s take a look at some well-known inspiring pieces.

The Mysterious Lady

Of course Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is one of the most recognizable pieces of art in the world.

Furthermore, the mystery of the piece continues to this day, as it has for a few hundred years. So, what, exactly, does her smile mean? After all, it’s a small smile. And so the model intrigues us, even now.

The Weird Landscape

Here’s another one.Visual Artists Salvador Dali’s The Persistence of Memory is another very well-known piece although you might not have known its name.

Because the painting is so strange, it can offer any number of interpretations. How important is time? Is the setting a desert?

And what about the odd white lump in the center? Could that maybe be a creature wearing a clock as a saddle? Maybe it means we are all driven by time and memory. Hence we are all under its yoke.

So think about the paintings (and sculptures, too!) which you know. And consider what you see in them, for they may help, particularly with writer’s block.

More Art and Artists

Consider more art and visual artists. Van Gogh can be dreamy but also kind of scary. And the fact that it’s well-known that he was insane adds a bit of spice to things.

Marcel Duchamp, on the other hand (just Google him!) has a rather different visual style, to say the least. Well, that’s one way of putting it.

And go back even further, all the way, as far as art even goes.

What if you could get in the head of the person who painted the walls of their cave, or the sculptor of the Venus of Willendorf? Are the paintings meant to guarantee a good hunt? Or are they just decorative? Is the Venus an object of reverence? Or a sex object? Or is it something else entirely. Hell, maybe it’s just a doll.

Making any of these decisions can easily inform a story about those people, about that painter (several painters, most likely) and that sculptor. Writing their stories is a bit like writing the story of humanity itself.

A Practical Idea

So did you know that Pinterest has secret pin boards? It’s true. And what that means is, you can always create a secret board for only you to see. Or you can share it with a select audience, such as beta readers or even fans, if you like.

And all you need to do is, go to your profile and scroll all the way down. You’ll find it on the left (“Create Secret Board“). And that’s all you need to. So fill it with art which has meaning for you.

Visual Artists: Some Takeaways

Visual artists and art can inspire. And the internet means you don’t even have to visit a museum, although you might want to, anyway. Because they can be kind of fun. And you should get out of the house more often, anyway.

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Published inInspiration