Out of the Work Camp Frying Pan could have been just another escape story. But I think it’s a bit more.
Review – Out of the Work Camp Frying Pan
I wrote this story during second quarter 2021. This was a year when I was writing every day, and I started the year off with various short stories. These were mainly from one-word prompts I wrote myself. For this particular story, the prompt word was X-axis.
The vast, vast majority of the short stories from 2021 had no outline. There was no background, and no plan. I was flying by the seat of my pants.
But then again, so were the characters.
When four humans escape from a Ziranqui forced work camp, they do so in a stolen alien craft. They don’t understand the written language, and the instruments are unfamiliar.
And, they don’t even know how to point the craft toward Earth. But at least they’re free.
And then, they come across a planet…
The human characters are Chris Delaney, Lana Marshall, Zach Peyton, and Gail Aronovich. Tronian characters include White Wing, Golden Beak, Gray Down, Bright Plumes, and Gentle Whisper. If you haven’t guessed it by now, the Tronians are birdlike.
The story is from Lana’s point of view.
Memorable Quotes from Out of the Work Camp Frying Pan
Outer space is three dimensional. If you really want to get technical, all space is. But driving along on a country road on Earth, even if the road goes up and down in altitude, all you really need to know are two dimensions. Horizontal, the x-axis. And vertical, the y-axis. All the myriad variations on that particular theme are our directions. West, east, north, and south.
But space has more up and down, no matter what your garden variety science fiction show might lead you to believe. The familiar compass rosette goes in all directions, almost like a dandelion that’s gone to seed.
And so, our breakout from the forced labor camp is an extraordinary thing. I won’t deny that. But Delaney really has no idea where we’re going. I would tell him to pull over and ask directions, but I doubt speaking the right language for asking is possible. Or anyone knowing directions, anyway.
Or even effectively and semi-safely pulling over, for that matter. I’m sure he really doesn’t know how to fly this thing. We could be flying the alien version of going backward, and we would never know.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t blame Delaney, and I don’t mean to sound so critical. He got us out of the camp, and that was truly amazing all by itself. We all owe him a debt of gratitude. We all owe him our lives. But never has the expression ‘going from the frying pan to the fire’ ever been more apropos.
The story has a K+ rating. The characters have just gotten out of a horrible place. But they don’t really talk about it all that much.
Takeaways for Out of the Work Camp Frying Pan
One rather subtle bit is a callback to another short story I wrote in 2024, Alix’s Apocalypse.
When Gail mentions the Earth being hit with a ‘poisoned radiation beam’, it’s the exact same weapon which hits the planet in Alix’s Apocalypse. I like to think of them as being in the same universe and timeline.
Maybe Chris, Lana, and the others can come back and save Alix in some possible future sequel? I currently have no intention of writing a sequel. But never say never!
And as for the bad guys, the Ziranqui? I’ve used them in a few different stories, and I do believe they will show up in the third Obolonk trilogy as well.
Want More of my Short Stories and Novellas?
If this story resonates with you, then check out my other articles about my shorter works.
Want more stories featuring the Ziranqui? Then be sure to check out:
• A School for Scavengers
† Alix’s Apocalypse
• Message in an Odd Bottle
† Nuremberg Redux
Short Stories
Finally, for a complete list of my shorter works, please be sure to check out the Hub Page—Short Stories.
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