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Contact Janet Gershen-Siegel

Contact Me, Janet Gershen-Siegel

Do I crave your contact?

Hey, I just met you, and … ♫♪

All right, maybe not that.

But I am still open for you (yes, you!) to contact me, of course.

I always love to hear suggestions about social media outlets to explore, or ideas about who I should (maybe) start to follow online.

And of course I reserve the right to not follow every person you might suggest to me.

Or if you want to talk writing, hit me up!

Because I would love to hear from you!

I love to make friends online, and have been doing so since about 1997, and am still friends with people who I have known since 1999. Yes, over a quarter of a century.

Furthermore, I have met any number of people and have talked on the phone with others.

Plus, of course, there are a lot of people who I have emailed with or otherwise messaged over the years.

There’s a lot of permanence in what you might think is a rather impermanent part of our world.

Worlds Collide

Worlds collide all the time, particularly on larger platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook.

It is always amusing to see people commenting on, say, a status update or a photograph that I have uploaded.

And then they begin to interact with each other.

Or I see my family typing with my social media pals from Boston who write to the people I know from Social Media classes at Quinnipiac University.

And then they interact online with my friends from NaNoWriMo or other writing scenes. It stands for November is National Novel Writing Month. Yes, I am a NaNo winner, several times over, starting with Untrustworthy. Thanks for asking!

But these days, I am calling it 30Day50K and distancing myself from NaNo…..

So then these people write to Star Trek fans, who type with my former coworkers from places such as Dictaphone and Fidelity Investments.

And then they all virtually talk with my High School buddies.

Harborfields High School of Greenlawn, New York, class of something something, if you please.

So drop me a line, and I will do my best to answer you in a timely fashion.

Because all you have to do is ask. Yes, really!

Come around and when you get a chance, let’s talk social media and writing!

Or you can follow me on social media!

Check out my YouTube videos! I appreciate your support.
Please follow me on Bluesky!
You can follow me on Facebook, too!

And you can pick up Untrustworthy on Amazon!

Thank you for your kind support.

I greatly appreciate it.Click to buy Untrustworthy on Amazon

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