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The Untrustworthy Universe

Let’s Go to the Untrustworthy Universe

Understanding a work like Untrustworthy means getting into its guts and exploring some of what didn’t end up on the page. The stuff on the cutting room floor, if you will. Here, it’s all about the Untrustworthy Universe.

How Does the Untrustworthy Universe Tick?

I started writing Untrustworthy back in November of 2013. It was a NaNoWriMo project.

Cover of the only book in the Untrustworthy Universe
Untrustworthy, on sale at Amazon

Because I like to outline my projects, particularly for NaNo, I was already thinking about it before I started officially writing. This one was nearly fully outlined before I ever wrote a word. I had wanted it to be planned as perfectly as possible.

At times, inspiration comes from a person. Or it may come from a point I want to make. Another source of inspiration is characters.

The inspiration for this book was a dream of two separate spouses, that a person could be living two equally rich yet separate lives.

And so, here is the Untrustworthy Universe.


Perhaps the first piece was Tathrelle. I had her name and I loved it. But I also loved my opening line for this one.

There was nothing easy about it.

Still, Tathrelle needed people to talk to. I didn’t originally conceive of her spouse as being female. But Ixalla jumped into my head and I couldn’t deny the character.

The other major characters—Adger, Velexio, Students Number Five and Seventeen, and the Unknown Girl—they all took longer to appear.


Tathrelle is the main character. But after a while, I came to realize Ixalla was the better character. At first Ixalla was a kind of expository mouthpiece. But I fell in love with her when I made her into a revolutionary.

The Time Frame

The story begins in 4 Month. There are 24 months in a year; each one is 12 days long, for a total of 288 days per year. It goes to 7 Month, with an afterword taking place several years later.

Where Does it all Take Place?

The story takes place on a mythical planet called Caboss. The moon, Wecabossia, is mentioned but I don’t have any action on it. The idea here is that Caboss and Wecabossia are even closer in size than Earth and our moon or Pluto and Charon. It’s almost a dual planet.

Given the fact that there are sleighs, people have asked me if I see Caboss as an ice planet. I had not originally, but I truly love this idea! And, it makes a great deal of sense. It’s a landscape dominated by, among other colors, wintergreen.

Putting together this very alien landscape was fun, but I will say it makes for requiring a lot more exposition than normal. After all, if the reader hasn’t yet learned that the characters never eat (or whatever), then it had to get on the page. Somehow.

What’s in the Untrustworthy Universe?

Given that everything is alien, the entire setting is meant to be odd yet a little familiar. For example, they get around on transportation sleighs. There’s a Central River, and there are bridges spanning it.

The society starts off as almost Soviet, in that major decisions are made for even competent people. As the story evolves, the decisions become more oppressive and more sinister. Eventually, the suggestions become commands. Violent commands.

What Differentiates the Untrustworthy Universe from Other Books and Series I’ve Written?

For one thing, there are no humans in it whatsoever. As a result, I could not name anyone Shapiro! I also loved the slow burn of this one, where the changes in the instructions become more and more outrageous and awful.

But when the story is first starting out, a lot of the changes are of the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it variety. This, of course, is totally by design.

Is There Room in the Untrustworthy Universe for Sequels?

Not really. The book rather specifically ends with what is almost a moral. I feel the characters are done.

… but there is a prequel! I have called it Unreliable. It essentially fixes some of the issues with the main story.

The Untrustworthy Universe — Takeaways

This was an ambitious project. And I didn’t execute it as well as it deserved. This is what happens when you’re a newer writer. But I think the prequel does some heavy lifting to fix some of the book’s issues.Click to buy Untrustworthy on Amazon

Want to learn about more universes? Then head on over to the Universal Explorations page where you can get to my other universes.

Want More of the Untrustworthy Universe?

If the Untrustworthy Universe resonates with you, then check out my other articles about Tathrelle, Ixalla, and the others as they keep their beloved Caboss from falling into fascism. Or, push it to fascism even faster.

Character Reviews: Untrustworthy

Character Review—Adger
Character Review—Ixalla
Character Review—Tathrelle
Character Review—Velexio
• Character Review—Student #17

Untrustworthy Universe

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