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Website Planning

What’s This About Website Planning, Anyway?

It would have been helpful if I had done some website planning, eh?

I suppose I should have planned my site better or maybe not just gone in and barreled my way in just to see what I could do.

I don’t think that’s truly awful as I have some ambitions but they feel very possible and within reach. And I look at my notes and I see – yes, I need to fix and put up Google Search. I need to play with keywords some more. I need to do … a lot.


And SEO! Oh my gosh. There’s a boatload to learn there and I’m still busy reading the books. I can’t recall who said that Time is Nature’s Way of making it so that not everything happens all at once. And I can live with that as an idea. It shouldn’t all happen in one shot. It should flow and develop.

Patience, a virtue. And sometimes an elusive one. But one thing is for certain — once a year elapsed, suddenly, I had a Google Page Rank of 3. Was that by design? Well, yes. But the science and art of getting a Google Page Rank of anything over zero is so obscure and unknown as to be akin to deciphering the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Now, I get that it’s all proprietary, e. g. intellectual property, etc., but c’mon! It gets silly after a while. Jigger this, don’t jigger that. Say this in some particular, special, magical fashion, and not in another.

Don’t Spam!

Don’t spam. Well, yeah, that makes sense. But people think of as proto-spam isn’t always. And what’s seen as non-spam, I suspect, sometimes is. I do recognize that Google is attempting to make rules to cover as many scenarios as possible.

And they wish to check out what people like I do by using computer algorithms rather than actual humans, in order to be somewhat timely when it comes to investigating websites.

But! It remains frustrating and, in my opinion, unnecessarily mysterious. A clue, s’il vous plait, and by that I mean a real one, by someone who is there and really, truly knows. The rest, it seems, are speculating, with varying degrees of accuracy and results.

I swear that figuring out how to get a good or at least decent Page Rank is harder than translating the Upanishads.


Plus I’m developing my strategy. It will, I am sure, change. But I already have ways to promote what I’m doing. This is not quite like cliff-jumping because I had experience in promoting my Examiner articles (I was the Boston Extreme Weight Loss Examiner back in the day). Oh, look, some promotion!

Hindsight is 20/20 and Then Some AKA I Should Have Done Some Website Planning!

When I first started this site and this blog I had no idea about things. In fact, I didn’t know if I would continue with it.

But now, I can see that a lack of some basic website planning is a bit problematic. Currently, I am fixing a LOT of stuff.

Would I have less to fix if I had planned better? At this point, I don’t honestly know.

This is why I want to help others plan.

Hell, because if you can’t set a good example, you can always be a cautionary tale.

The Current Times and Website Planning

I looked back on this post, and on my site, and it’s hard to say what sort of shape planning could have possibly taken back in the day. So, I am going to update this with another post. Hold tight.

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Published inSEOSite Development