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Category: Events

WPI Venture Forum

Why was the WPI Venture Forum so Important?

Why did the WPI Venture Forum matter so much?

Without getting into too many specifics, let’s just say I knew where I was going to be on Tuesday, November 9th.

WPI Venture Forum.

Wish us luck.

Over Fourteen Years Later, the WPI Venture Forum

It’s great to see that this venue and this concept are still around, over a decade later! However, it is under a new name.

Now, you should just call it The Venture Forum.

Much like it was back in the day, this is a way for promising local startups to connect with people who want to help them get business financing. And… just maybe get capital from others.  It does not seem to be a place to connect with venture capital firms.

But I admit that I could certainly be wrong about that.

Startups and Money

I have written about this before, but it sure as hell bears repeating.

1. The best gift that anyone can offer startups is money. Advice and expertise are great, and they are helpful, but it all pales in the face of do re mi.

And while startup competitions may not want (or, truly, be able) to part with too much of it, it is money that is most needed because, to truly succeed, someone has to quit their day job.

Someone has to take a flying leap into outer space – but that person still needs to be able to afford ramen and a futon.
2. Speaking of ramen and futons, the startup game is, often, played by the young. This is not to say that those of us who were born during the Kennedy Administration have naught to offer.

Rather, it is that we have mortgages. We may have children. We have lives that often require more than minimal Connector-style health insurance. Or we may have aging parents, credit card debt or any number of things that make living off ramen, on a futon, nigh impossible.

Startups and Those of Us Who Are No Longer in Our Twenties

Or thirties, forties, or fifties. Or more.


The world of startups most definitely has two settings. Either you are a go-for-broke, you don’t know what you’re doing but you’re getting there fast company (Neuron!).

Or, you have a decided plan and a purpose, and you are getting into it with some measure of gravity and patience.

Guess which kind of business is more likely to succeed?

And guess which kind of business is more likely to be founded by engineers?

Can you see the disconnect there?

Engineering + Business FTW

What do startups need? Money. And what do business majors and new graduates need? A place to tout.

So, why not introduce the folks at engineering schools like WPI, Wentworth, or MIT to the business folks at Harvard, BU, and Tufts?

And then maybe everybody could go home happy. Or at least with a better chance of actually succeeding.

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What’s All This About TEDxBoston?

My company is presenting there! Where? TEDxBoston!

Wanna say hi? Then swing on over to our registration page and register (it’s free).

July 27th, 6 – 9 PM, Microsoft NERD Center (1 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA). 11th floor.

Or, if you like, watch the webcast, at Neuron.

Our hashtag is #NRBR.

Be there. Aloha.

What is TEDxBoston?

Here it is, about twelve and a half years later, and I realize now that I never actually said what the event is.

So, here goes.

TED Talks has an offshoot called TEDx. After the x is always the name of a city or school. Essentially, this is the venue. For here, of course, it is TEDxBoston.

However, these events are more of a grass roots nature versus regular old TED Talks.

What’s the Difference Versus TED Talks?

Well, for one, it’s the level of fame for the person talking.

Real TED Talks (the original kind, that is) are the kinds of stuff that Bill Gates does. You invite Jane Goodall to do a TED Talk, or maybe, heh, Ted Turner. But TEDx Talks are more local.

In a way, you can think of them as the difference between a regular old Google search and Google’s local search functionality. For a recipe to make pizza, you use the former. And, it’s huge! But for a local pizza delivery place, you use the latter. And now, there are a lot fewer hits. But they are right on target.

And it’s a Meme, Too!

Seriously. And a lot of that has to do with a bit of perceived snootiness.

But it is also due to the phrase, “Thank you (or thanks) for coming to my TED Talk,” being a great way to end an announcement or a statement.

So, it’s a little bit like quod erat demonstratum. Just without the fancy-shmancy Latin.

And when it comes to talking about my blog—you guessed it!

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

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My First Hosted Event

This Was My First Hosted Event

I suppose this would be true about anyone’s first hosted event.

I am a tad nervous.

My company is sponsoring an event tonight. It is a Meetup for Tech Crunch, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in Harvard Square. The venue is John Harvard’s Brew House on 33 Dunster Street. Grab a map, in case you want to follow along.

I have clothes picked out. And I have packed the camera. I hope the batteries work. I even saved up a bunch of calories.
Because I want very much for this to go well.


At 8 PM, I will be taking a deep breath and plunging in. Big smile, business cards at the ready, DyIO ready to rock and roll. Only a few butterflies.

Over Twelve Years Later…

Well, things have changed considerably from my first hosted event. For one thing, Neuron Robotics is no more. But such is the way of the universe.

It is with this kind of a latter day perspective where I can see the holes in the company.

But not the holes in our strategy. Because, truly, it was—strategy? What strategy?

Yeah, we were that green.

If I Had it to Do All Over Again (the First Hosted Event and More)

I don’t think the first hosted event was the real problem. Rather, it was that the rest of how we ran the startup was.

No plan. And no one even coming up with one. It was a lot of throwing jello against a wall. And, very little of that ever stuck.

Also, there was no money person. Because even a startup with a shoestring bootstrap budget needed someone to wield a checkbook. Or, at least, to turn out their pockets and tell everyone that there was no more cash to be had.

In short, someone had to be the adult in the room.

And in retrospect, it probably should have been me.

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