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Color Theory Videos

Color Theory Videos

What is it about videos, which makes learning so much easier? Color theory videos are just one part of that.

In this series of videos, I tackle color theory. As a person who sometimes does not seem to see colors well, or get how design works, I have found studying theory to be a much more productive exercise than an artist simply telling me, “It just works!”

But how?

I hope my dive into color theory helps you, too!

Color Theory

Let’s break into some more extensive color theory, shall we? It can almost serve as a kind of mathematical framework for better design.

You may or may not like the idea of converting art into what is practically an equation. But it can really help you if you’re as design-challenged as I am!

Color Theory – Red

The color of lipstick and blood, red has more personal associations than any other color. And let’s not even get into the political connotations of red. Stop!

Color Theory – Pink

While we may associate pink the most with makeup and the ballet, that’s not all it is. Did you know that red’s lighter cousin wasn’t always synonymous with femininity?

Color Theory – Orange

How can you have Halloween without orange? Or your morning orange juice? And what about carrots? And… reflective gear for hunters?

Color Theory – Yellow

Duller than gold, but just as vital a primary color as red and blue, yellow is kind of an odd, heh, duck.

Sunshine and lemons! Bananas and jaundice? The things we tend to associate with yellow can be a little … strange.

A Look at Green

Green goes beyond ecology and the environment. Also, most of us probably can’t think of living plants without thinking of at least some green.

But we might also think of rot, or penicillin mold, if nothing else. Or the patina on weathered copper. Is it easy being green? Maybe not.

It’s also something we associate with aliens. And queasiness?

Color Theory – Gold

Gold has connotations of wealth, scarcity, and status. It can also have a sports vibe. Because only the winners get the gold, after all.

We also associate gold with marriage (wedding rings) and with durability. Durability? Why, yes, since it’s hard to dissolve gold. You need to use aqua regia. Gold is also a pretty standard material in cell phones.

Color Theory – Silver

Shinier than gray, silver denotes something precious—but not as unattainable as gold. Beyond second place in sports, the color silver can mean family fortunes. Or at least the cutlery.

Color Theory – Copper

Most people wrap their feelings about copper together with their feelings about bronze. Small wonder, as bronze is mostly composed of copper.

Copper can feel like roofs or pennies or cookware. And copper is also a vital part of generating electricity.

Bronze is of course third place in games. And a long time ago (as in, before I was born), people used to cover baby shoes in bronze to create a keepsake. But you don’t really see that so much any more.

Color Theory – Blue

For a lot of people, blue is their favorite color. Whether it’s the idea of sea and sky, or the emotional connection many of us have with blue jeans remains to be seen. But blue and the blues also mean depression.

And the color blue can even have an erotic connotation, as in blue movies. Plus there’s the current political connotation.

And while I’ve never actually sat down and counted, I strongly suspect that of all the colors that show up in songs of any type, blue is likely to be the runaway favorite. But at Christmastime, it does get some serious competition from white, red, and green.

A Look at Purple/Violet

Royal purple adds a flamboyance to nearly anything. And as for violet, when it’s used as a girl’s name in popular culture, that girl is often kinda different. Don’t believe me? Just consider Violet in Peanuts or Violet Bick in It’s a Wonderful Life.

Oh, and what’s the difference?  You can find violet on the visible color spectrum. As in, the V in the ROYGBIV acronym. But purple is the combination of mixtures of red and blue light.

In common parlance, violet is usually felt to be redder, and purple is bluer.

Indigo, by the way, is even bluer than violet.

Color Theory – Brown/Tan

Brown and tan describe human skin tones better than nearly any other adjectives. They are the basis of description. So ditch the food and wood metaphors! There is nothing bad about using the actual color names. Brown is also a common last name (as are Black and White).

To be more specific than simply writing brown, try using prose about warm (reddish) or cool (bluish) tones in your descriptions. And talk to a sensitivity reader if you’re ever unsure about whether you’re unknowingly being offensive.

Color Theory – Black

Chic, slimming black can also make people think of death. It can feel negative, punk, goth, or empowering.

What do you see when you gaze into the void?

A Look at Gray

The essence of compromise, gray can feel dull and drab, but also soft or even powerful. Silver’s duller cousin has depth.

So, as a result, the color theory of gray is complex. And is it gray or grey, anyway? Well, that kind of depends on if you’re British. And this isn’t even getting into fifty shades thereof.

A Look at White

In western cultures, we often think of brides when we think of white. Yet white can also mean mourning and death in some cultures, mimicking the pallor of a corpse. Also, considering that hair often turns white when we’re a lot older, it can also be a reminder of the grave.

Or maybe someone just needs to get outside more often…? Yeah. That person would be me.

Do You Want More of Color Theory?

If color theory works for you, then please be sure to check out my other articles about how color works with covers and more. And maybe one of these days I will finally get around to updating these!

Color Explorations

Color Theory
Part 2
Color Theory, Part 3
Part 4
Click to buy Untrustworthy on Amazon

And Do You Want More About My Videos?

If my experiences with videos resonate with you, then check out my other videos covering various and sundry topics.

Videos and Visual Communication

Color Theory Videos
Inspiration Videos
Interview Videos
Videos (uncharacterized)

Next article on color theory

Color theory dovetails with covers, of course.

Want More About Creating, Commissioning, and Deciding on Book Covers?

If my experiences with color resonate with you, then check out my articles about getting the best cover for your book. Because, like it or not, we all use them to judge books.

Book Covers and You, the Writer

Working with a Cover Artist, Part 1
Working with a Cover Artist, Part 2
Covers, Working with Them
Video on Working with a Cover Artist
The Weird World of Being Published

Next article on covers