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Inspiration Videos

Come on over and be sure to check out some inspiration videos…

A Collection of Inspiration Videos

So, here are some inspiration videos to help you get through NaNoWriMo or #30Day50k or any other dry or somewhat dry writing spell. Banish the creative drought for good with some prompts!

For every kind of inspirational drought, a prompt can get you going again. Sometimes, it can be a real throwaway story which you never look at again. And at other times, you can get a shot of inspiration for an entire series.

The idea behind these prompts (and the other videos) is to give a wide variety. Or you can opt for one or even all of them, and in any order which works for you.

Now, there are very few limits here – although limitations can sometimes spur creativity as well. The idea, rather, is to offer up a veritable smorgasbord of prompt words or phrases or opening lines.

However, if none of these writing prompts work for you, then do not fret! Instead, hit the Contact page and tell me what works best for you. I am more than happy to consider your request and record a new video.

Because what works for you might prove to be incredibly inspirational for me, too!

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Starting lines
Types of people
Grab bag

Inspiration Videos About Starting lines

Since sometimes all you need is a first line to get you going. Therefore, here are some offbeat starting line prompts.


Yet what are some taste prompts? I added these because sometimes it’s an overlooked sense when writing. So let’s explore taste and flavor.


So everybody complains about the weather. But what are you going to write about it? Oh, and try not to start a piece with the weather. Unless it’s important. Then, go ahead, of course!

Types of people

So do different character types really make a difference? They sure do! Therefore, let’s explore some different kinds of characters here.

And please be sure to look at aging characters and inspiration.

Grab Bag of Inspiration Videos

Finally, here is a place for additional prompts which don’t seem to fit in anywhere else. So, say hello to the orphaned prompts.

So do you want more video prompts? You can always go to the channel.

Want More About My Videos?

If my experiences with videos resonate with you, then check out my other videos covering various and sundry topics.

Videos and Visual Communication

Color Theory Videos
Inspiration Videos
Interview Videos
Videos (uncharacterized)

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