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Hope This Site Map Was of Help to You
So, you have got to love a site map, right?
I hope that you can find everything! But just in case you cannot, please feel free to contact me. I am happy to help. I can also add a missing topic if you like. Seriously, there is so much I could be writing about in this blog.
So, this is in the areas of writing, content, and social media. I love to write about all of them, so please let me know if you have any questions. Or if you have any suggestions. Because I would love to hear them!
So Here’s a Quick Suggestion if You Have an Author Website
Yes, I am kind of hiding it here. So, consider it like finding the afikomen at Passover. This is your lucky moment!
So, here is my suggestion. Use a service to audit your site–it’s so helpful! Also, there are a number of free ones out there. I use both SemRush and ahrefs. So, the best part about both of them is that they can find slightly different things. Also, you can always have them run at slightly different times. So, by doing that, you can check on your fixes, if you like.
With both of these particular services, I have been able to find things like the largest image files. So, they were slowing down the site, big time. I also learned about the posts which did not have any incoming links. I also learned about the posts where there was no targeted keyword phrase.
So, fixing all these problems has really helped the site. Also, I feel that, in general, it has helped with my own professional writing. After all, if I can’t fix my own site…. So, that’s been a bonus right there.
But What About SEO?
All of this is related directly, of course, to search engine optimization. A website with no SEO (or with bad SEO) might as well not exist at all. Because, unless you are super duper famous (think Stephen King famous), the chances of someone trying to find your website are not so great. You need to help yourself out.
Also, optimizing a site for SEO is one of the best and easiest ways to do just that. Oh, and did I mention that a lot of it is free?
Anyway, that’s the afikomen. 🙂
And Finally…
So finally, of course, please feel free to contact me. I am also on Amazon!
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