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How to Create a Writer Website: What to Write About

It’s the first question pretty much any writer would normally ask anyway, and it concerns what to write about.

Do You Know What to Write About?

Let us start with one thing, and make it perfectly clear. Your writer website is (spoiler alert!) not your personal blog. Rather, it is a marketing tool.

Oh, and by the way, your Twitter stream, your author Facebook page and/or group, and BookTok? Guess what? They’re marketing tools as well!

This is not to say that you can never, ever be sociable. Actually, you should.

But there’s a line between sociable and confessional. For the most part (albeit not necessarily always), you do not want to cross it.

Consider What to Write About as You Consider Where that Writing is Actually Going

Er, what?

What happens to your blog once you publish it? Well, you probably share it on social media. At least, if you want it to go to anyone, you sure as hell do.

In fact, Jetpack has a setting to get your writing out to social media. It’s pretty easy to set up and then it’s done.

This is not everything you should be tweeting, etc. You should be doing more than the barest of bare minima. But at least your stellar prose is going somewhere.

A Writer Newsletter — the World’s Greatest Landing Strip

Keep in mind, as I write this, I do not even have a writer newsletter yet! But I follow the newsletter my employer puts out. And I also follow the newsletters of some other writers, like Trinity Blacio. I look at what they say, and what they do not say. And, I check out how often they put out their newsletters.

And here’s what I have learned.

1. Newsletters that come out irregularly are probably not going to get you new readers. But they may appeal to your current fans. Still, you want to expand your base. Being consistent with your release schedule helps!
2. No one seems to know what to put in a writer newsletter, beyond a link to a free download and/or future appearance info. Why not reprint a part of some blog posts? And then link to the remainder!
3. Confessional newsletters should be few and far between. So, an irregularly published one might be able to get away with this. But if it’s a constant? Nope. A weekly newsletter, and maybe even a monthly one will get tiring very quickly if it’s only about how you’ve got writer’s block.

So, consider some of your landing strips when you write.

What do Your Readers Want to Read?

Beyond your fiction (or nonfiction), what do they want to know? Do they want to see anything about your process? Maybe they want to understand your characters better. Or maybe they want to get an idea of what’s coming out next.

But when considering what to write about, you also want to get inside the heads of this next group of folks.

What do Your Prospective Readers Want to Read?

Love it or hate it, if you’re an indie writer and you don’t just want to leave your writing in a drawer or on a hard drive somewhere, guess what? Congratulations, you are now a small business person.

What does that mean? It means that you should be trying to convert prospects.

I am not talking about clickbait here (although a little copywriting is probably fine if it’s not too aggressive). It is, rather, about trying to add some readers.

Here’s a Fer-Instance

Any number of die-hard Trekkies were appalled and clutched their pearls when a new timeline and new actors were introduced in the 2009 film. However, that film did something amazing. It attracted and hooked a new generation of viewers.

And when Paramount+ (it was CBS All Access at the time) added new series which were different from TOS, what happened? Oh, those same fanboys and fangirls clutched their pearls and sighed and screamed it wasn’t “real” Star Trek.

Yet Discovery and the other new series have also reeled in a new generation.

Resting on your laurels is comfortable and nice. But it also makes you irrelevant very, very quickly.

Back to You for What to Write About

I know how hard it is for so many indie writers to market. Believe me, I know! Why the heck do you think I got a Masters in Communication to begin with? It was, in part, because I wanted to learn how to market my own creations.

Still, consider it this way.

You’re a writer. Setting words to paper or pixels is in your DNA.

And you should also be an inventor and an experimenter.

So, throw some of that writing jello against the wall. Document it and measure it.

Who knows? Maybe some of it’ll even stick.

Happy writing!Click to buy Untrustworthy on Amazon

Want More of Writer Website Development?

If my post on website speed resonates with you, then be sure to check out my other articles about how to create a writer website.

Writer Website Development

How to Create a Writer Website: Start a Writer Website
How to Create a Writer Website: What to Write About
Writer SEO
How to Create a Writer Website: Writer Website Copyright
How to Create a Writer Website: Writer Website Design
Mobile Design
How to Create a Writer Website: Writer Website User Experience Design
† How to Create a Writer Website: Writer Website Speed and More UX Design
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Get going the smart way with what to write about. #amwriting

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How to Create a Writer Website: Start a Writer Website

Do you want to start a writer website? Or have you heard that maybe you should? Then check out this post on getting going.

How Did I Start a Writer Website?

Me, personally? This blog and this site will not look or behave as perfectly as I think a writing website actually should. But that’s okay, because my site has had other purposes.

It’s been about social media, my Master’s degree, and even various job searches. So, there is older stuff in here. And there is nothing wrong with that.

Plus, I hope you’ll realize this means you can convert an older blog/website into one for writing. You do not have to throw out your older posts and the like. However, if they are too far off-topic, you may want to consider a new domain, or shunting your older blog to one. Or maybe just pulling your older posts and creating redirects for them.

A blog on handcrafting most likely won’t lend itself to such a conversion. But a site or blog on SEO, social media, or education is probably fine. You make the call, sports fans.

What’s Missing?

Oh, and make no mistake about it. I will be writing about things I have not done yet! For the most part, that has been due to budget—either of my money or time or both (and mental bandwidth!). This is the reality of being an independent writer. When you get it in your head to start a writer website, you may find your reach exceeds your grasp.

But you can (and should!) start a writer website anyway. Why? Because guess where you’re going to build your brand? It’s right here, folks.

Start a Writer Website by Actually Starting a Website

God lord, what the heck does that mean?

It means that just having a Facebook page or group is not going to cut it. BookTok is lovely, but it is not enough. Neither is a Twitter stream. Those things are absolutely helpful and they may even be vital.

But they are not an actual website.

Plus, not for nothing, but you should own your spot. Why? Because we used to think MySpace would last forever.

Own your stuff. And own your space. At the absolute minimum, keep copies of everything. Behave as if you could lose it all tomorrow. Because you just might.

Owning Your Space

This inevitably means hosting. You can buy hosting from providers like GoDaddy or HostGator, etc. Shop around and ask friends if you don’t have a provider for some other site. If you’re an utter novice, then ask around at work.

What if you are on an absolute budget of, like, $0? That makes this harder but not impossible. Because you can try a few things.


Medium is popular, and that can make it hard to break through the noise. But some people do. Since you wouldn’t own the space, keep copies of everything. And, keep in mind, you will likely lose all comments if you transfer your work elsewhere.

If you do not break into Medium and do at all well, then you may or may not be able to improve the findability of your page. You are also beholden to their rules. Writers of erotica will probably find it too constricting.

Wix or Weebly

Don’t get me started.

Both offer freebie hosting and ways to start a writer website (or any other type of site, for that matter) easily.

However, your URL (for their free hosting) will be something like (which is long for business cards and bookmarks). Search might not be the greatest.

Plus, you are beholden, at least in part, to their designs and templates. If those are good enough for you, then have at it. And keep in mind, anything that’s really pretty or functional might not be free.

You can, eventually, have Weebly or Wix host your domain and you would pay for that. And then others would probably never have to know.

But for serious flexibility, these are probably not going to be it.


If you don’t need a lot of instruction, this could work in a pinch. But it’s really just going to allow for hosting a static page. A blog, for example, will change too much.


A decent place for hosting writing you aren’t planning on publishing for money, Wattpad is not a place for blogging. Also, anything too commercial will be pulled by the moderating staff. So much for selling stuff.

Want to Start a Writer Website? WordPress to the Rescue!

What is it, 48% of all websites are on WordPress? Their functionality is hard to beat. They have an enormous number of plugins and apps, both free and paid for.

Support varies and is mainly tied to app and plugin developers. If a developer provides good support, then awesome! But if not, then either get a different plugin or head to YouTube and pray for good tutorials.

If your budget is truly $0, you can even put a blog (and probably just a blog) onto their freebie pages. But those are numerous and with less support and functionality. But they will help you to get used to using the platform.

Still, eventually, you’re going to have to cash in your empties and spend something or other.

The Planning You’ll Need to Start a Writer Website

Welp, I originally just threw this one together.

And then I realized I wanted it to not look terrible. This was even before I was using it to tout writing, or even social media.

Really, really far back (as in over 20 years ago), I really just wanted a place to plonk some photos. Geocities was it.

As a result, this website and its accompanying blog have grown organically and not always intelligently.

Head some of my mistakes off at the pass and do some preplanning. To wit.

Decide on a Basic Design Sensibility

You don’t need to be a designer (God knows I’m not!) but you do want something that looks attractive and, at the same time, feels put together.

If, like me, your design sensibilities resemble those a semi-sapient sponge, then I suggest talking to someone you know who does have design chops. They don’t have to be a professional.

This person could have maybe taken it in school. Or their living space always looks ‘just so’, or their look in clothing is always well-put together. At the barest minimum, it should be someone you know who does art of some sort, even for fun.

And if you really and truly know no one like this, then you’ve probably got a high school near you, yes? Talk to the art teachers there.

Here’s what you want to know.

Ask Your Designer Friend the Following

A designer friend makes them sound like they come with a logo, but I digress.

I Love These Colors. Do They Go Together Well?

You can also check out any color wheel online, but if your monitor skews toward green (for example), you won’t get a true result.

If You Were Working With These Colors, Which Would You Use as Primary? Which Would be the Accents?

You may love neon pink, but it’s probably a bit much for a main color for a website.

I Normally Write in the ___ Genre. Which Colors Speak to You When You Think of That Genre? They Don’t Have to be Any of the Colors I’ve Chosen

Now, you should also look at covers (seriously). But what I am getting at here is what’s called Color Theory.

For example, what does yellow make you think of? Pretty standard responses will probably include the sun, sunflowers, butter, egg yolks, Post-it notes, bananas, and canaries.

Does it remind you or your designer pal of any genre, though?

It’s okay if it’s not an oh my God perfect match. But there is a reason why a horror writer might have a website with darker colors and a Halloween feel to it regardless of the time of year.

And there’s a reason a romance writer might start a writer website with pastels and mainly use a scroll-like font.

Given My Main Genre, What Would You Suggest as Ideas for a Logo or Other Predominant Image?

I really, really hope you won’t use a stick of butter for your logo, even if you write cookbooks. But if you love yellow, and your genre is dystopian science fiction, you might consider an image of something burning.

My Own Design (Er, Maybe)

JR Gershen-Siegel logo (maybe) to start a writer websiteI made this logo (and a couple of others, which I’ll show in other posts) and I own the image!!

And that is important all by itself.

Do I love this logo? It’s … okay.

The idea of books with different colors appeals to me because what I write is kind of eclectic. But the books are all monochrome, almost looking like photo albums or research texts.

I don’t like that the font ended up washed out. But I do like a font like this. It dovetails well with what I generally write, which is science fiction.

I know I can do better, and will probably play around with this some more another day. Again, mental bandwidth!

To Start a Writer Website — We’ve Barely Scratched the Surface, Folks!

Yes, I will write more about this topic. But the main takeaways I am giving you today are:

1. Own your space if you can afford it.
2. Use WordPress! You won’t regret it, I swear.
3. Get an idea of visual design before you get started, to keep a unified look.

See you ’round.Click to buy Untrustworthy on Amazon

Want More of Writer Website Development?

If my post on website speed resonates with you, then be sure to check out my other articles about how to create a writer website.

Writer Website Development

How to Create a Writer Website: Start a Writer Website
How to Create a Writer Website: What to Write About
Writer SEO
How to Create a Writer Website: Writer Website Copyright
How to Create a Writer Website: Writer Website Design
Mobile Design
How to Create a Writer Website: Writer Website User Experience Design
† How to Create a Writer Website: Writer Website Speed and More UX Design
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Start a writer website and get going the smart way! #amwriting

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Self-Review – Time Addicts: Everything is Up For Grabs

And Finally, it’s Time to Review Time Addicts: Everything is Up For Grabs

So what, exactly, do I mean by ‘everything is up for grabs’? Because as the timelines get ever more confusing, what isn’t on the table?

So, this trilogy of terms came to me after I had been writing the first book for a few weeks. But it snapped it all into sharp focus with these terms. With this, the final book in the trilogy, it seems as if everything is unraveling for Josie and co.

But in a society where you can change time on a whim, how could anything ever be permanent? Also, just as importantly, are there any anchors in life? Or are we all simply destined to be buffeted around by time forever?

With this, the final book in the sub-trilogy, the anchors feel as loose and ephemeral as a sack of feathers. But the bad guys, of course, offer a way to again achieve stability and equilibrium.

If she wants to go that route.


Josie thinks she has seen the most drastic of the timeline changes already. But now they are getting focused, and the bad guys, calling themselves the Yester Gang, are tired of playing around.

Now, their focus is no longer split and they are going after nothing short of all-out genocide of the Obolonk race.


As the Yester Gang focuses more, Josie receives more mysterious messages which seem to be telling her that she has to act—but how?

The support beams in her life are being kicked out from under her, and Josie has no idea who she can trust. Maybe the best answer is, no one.


For this piece, the characters are Josie James, Dalton Farouk, Keisha Darnell, Bobby Brodie, Tad Lewis, Cyndi Mendez, Dr. Carmen D’Angelo, and Tommy 2000. Plus there’s also Josie’s enormous family, who flit in and out of the storyline.

Bad guy characters include Marty Quinlan and also his two nonbinary employees/lovers – Velvet Monroe and Daisy Dukes. There’s also Elston Young and Corwin Zachary.

Memorable Quotes from Time Addicts: Everything is Up For Grabs {Josie is talking to her Wingbot. The time change? All the time zones have been changed}

She waved her left hand over her right wrist and a display came up, also in midair. Into it, she said, “Time. Date. Temperature.”

Downstairs, with background noise of gentle wingbeats, came the answer from her Wingbot, 42753, “December the fourth, twenty-five twenty-seven. The time is six AM Eastern-Atlantic time. The temperature is one point sixty-six seven degrees Celsius.”

“Wait, what?”

“It is December the fourth…”

Josie scrunched up her face. Something felt off. “No, not that, Wing. The other part.”

“The temperature?” asked the Wingbot. There was a slight sound of small mechanical feet landing on the kitchen counter.

“No, wait a second.” She rubbed her forehead. Regular early morning nausea—for more than a decade of her life—made morning coffee a nice idea in theory but a terrible one in practice. Fully waking up would have to wait until she got to work, which was on another continent. “The time, Wing.”

“Six oh three.”

“You didn’t say that before.” Absently, she pulled a blue towel from the rack and started to dry her auburn hair.

“Well, the time has changed.”

Josie fought to not become angry with the small, semi-sapient robot, that was only doing its job. “I get that part. You mentioned the time zone?”

“Oh, do you like that? I recently received new instructions from Central Programming, to include a time zone whenever time is requested. If it is bothersome, I can remove it from that subroutine.”

“No, that’s fine.” Albeit weird.

Rating for Everything is Up For Grabs

The story has a K+ rating.


I think I ended this middle trilogy well. But I know that the third book didn’t really get cooking until maybe Chapter 21 or so. Also, it’s over 167,000 words long! But at the time of writing this blog post, I had not yet started to edit it.

The second book is short and the first is kind of in the middle. I would rather not append the first 20 or so chapters to the end of the second book and call it a day.

Rather, I need to edit this beast with a chainsaw.

Wish me luck.

When everything is up for grabs, do timelines have any meaning at all? #amwriting

Want More About The Time Addicts Trilogy?

If this article resonates with you, then check out my other articles about this sub-trilogy that’s all about time travel and how it can go more than a little bit, shall we say, ca ca.

Time Addicts Characters:

Josie James
Dalton Farouk
Dr. Carmen D’Angelo
Tommy 2000

Time Addicts Books:

No One is Safe.
Nothing is Permanent
Everything is Up for Grabs

The Obolonk Universe
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Self-Review – Time Addicts: Nothing is Permanent

It’s Time to Review Time Addicts: Nothing is Permanent

So, what, exactly, do I mean by ‘nothing is permanent’?

A certain trilogy of terms came to me after I had been writing the first book for a few weeks. But it snapped it all into sharp focus with these terms. I loved the terms so much that they are the subtitles of each of these three books.

So, in a society where you can change time on a whim, how could anything ever be permanent? And, just as importantly, are there any anchors in life?

As the timelines start to really melt and change, Josie’s life turns upside-down.


After receiving the aforesaid message, Josie realizes she’s feeling physically worse and, at the same time, getting more confused about the shifting timelines. They are still relatively coherent. At least, for a while.


As the timelines continue to shift, Josie witnesses odder and odder changes. Many of them seem to be almost pleasant. Could the other side be, perhaps, trying to change time in order to please her?

The idea is intriguing. Because, could it be that she’s somehow, and in some way, being recruited?

Nothing is Permanent But the Characters

The characters are Josie James, Dalton Farouk, Keisha Darnell, Jerry Brodie, Tad Lewis, Cyndi Mendez, Dr. Carmen D’Angelo, and Tommy 2000.

Plus there’s also Josie’s family, who flit in and out of the storyline. And, there are the bad guys, namely Marty Quinlan and his two nonbinary employees, who go by the names Velvet Monroe and Daisy Dukes.

Memorable Quotes from Time Addicts: Nothing is Permanent {Josie and Bobby are entering the office at the New Howard Theater, where there are puzzles and barriers to entry to OIA HQ}

But it turned out that she didn’t need the umbrella, as she did not arrive alone. “Hi, Bob.”

“Heyas.” He was carrying a fairly large bakery box from Ashmont Annie’s.

“You’re here early,” she said, as she started the process of getting through the first barrier to entry.

“What are you talking about, Josie? I’m always bright and early.”

“No, you aren’t.”

“Yes, I am.”

“No, really, I have never, ever seen you early. Your habit is not to be early.”

“I am always bright and early. C’mon,” he said, voice taking on an edge of frustration.

“I, no, I don’t think so. I don’t think anyone in the Department of Temporal Narcotics has ever seen you come in early. You just aren’t an early kind of a guy.”

“For fuck’s sake, Josie, I am.”

She backed off.

No, you aren’t. You have never, ever been early in all the time I’ve known you, Bobby Brodie.


“No problem; we’ll all under stress. Can you hold these so I can get the wheel on the ceiling?”

“Sure thing.” She peeked inside the box. It was a dozen assorted doughnuts, including her absolute favorite, Boston Cream.

“Who’re all these doughnuts for?” she asked as he turned the wheel and a door slid open to yet another antechamber.

“The team, silly.”

“Really? Since when do you bring in doughnuts for everybody?”

“Since when do I not?”

“Since ever.”

“Wrong again, Josie. Y’know, if you piss me off enough, I will stop bringing in Boston Creams for you.”

“You buy those just for me?”

“Yeah. And I get blueberry for Tad, sour cream – I have no idea why she likes it – for Carmen, you know.”

No, I don’t know.


The story has a K+ rating.


So, one thing about middle books, for me, is they tend to be more romance-centric. Also, they tend to be the shortest books. And while I do not amp up the romance, it is still the shortest of the three books, clocking in at under 70,000 words before editing.

I don’t feel the need to increase this one. Rather, I still want to cut it and the first and the first 40% of the third book. So, while I won’t go until 50,000 words, I will still, I hope, get this one to under 60,000.

When nothing is permanent, where are your temporal anchors? #amwriting

Want More About The Time Addicts Trilogy?

If this article resonates with you, then check out my other articles about this sub-trilogy that’s all about time travel and how it can go more than a little bit, shall we say, ca ca.

Time Addicts Characters:

Josie James
Dr. Carmen D’Angelo
Dalton Farouk
Tad Lewis
• Cyndi Mendez
† Bobby Brodie
• Keisha Darnell
† Vera Travers

Time Addicts Books:

No One is Safe
Nothing is Permanent
Everything is Up for Grabs

The Obolonk Universe

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Self-Review – Time Addicts: No One is Safe

Time to Review Time Addicts: No One is Safe

What, exactly, do I mean by ‘no one is safe’?

The trilogy of terms came to me after I had been writing this, the first book, for a few weeks. But then it snapped it all into sharp focus.

So, the premise was, to me, irresistible. What would happen if you could travel in time via the application of drugs? And with the idea of drugs came the idea of addicts.

So, what if people were addicted to time travel?


Josie James is an ordinary cop in the Boston Meg, about 500 years from the present time. But then she gets a semi-mysterious invitation to a large, group job interview.

She’s not dissatisfied, but she is intrigued, as the invitation comes from the OIA—the Orb Intelligence Agency. The OIA is the successor agency to the CIA. The money is off-the-charts excellent. And it looks interesting. But there are a few… irregularities.


A group is brought together to handle a problem with temporal addiction and the illegal manufacture of time travel drugs. But all is not as it seems, for the illegal acts are organized and may even have an overall purpose.

Characters in Time Addicts: No One is Safe

The characters are Josie James, Dalton Farouk, Keisha Darnell, Bobby Brodie, Tad Lewis, Cyndi Mendez, Dr. Carmen D’Angelo, and Tommy 2000. Plus there’s also Josie’s family, who flit in and out of the storyline.

Plus, we see Kevin O’Connor and his spouse, Addie.

Memorable Quotes from Time Addicts: No One is Safe {Chapter 13; Dalton and Josie are talking; he speaks first}

“Even though. So, tell me, outlaw Josie James, you said plural brothers and sisters. Just how many are we talking about? And more importantly, how many of them can beat me up?”

“You’ll laugh.”

“No, I won’t.” He crossed his heart. “Nonexistent scout’s honor.”

“Okay, you asked for it. I am the youngest of ten.”

He nearly spit his drink. “Holy crap. You already had your own squad the day you were born.”

“Pretty much. As for the beating up part, I’m thinking the only ones who might, maybe, be able to do that are Deb and Em. And they’re twins, so you’d get tag teamed.”

“I see. Why them?”

“They got bit by the farming bug but so did Aaron. But he’s a few years from sixty so I’m thinking his beating up days are over unless it’s a viewer remote when the Pintos lose.”

“Big baseball fan then. So, wait, he’s twentysomething years older than you?”

“Yep. And before you ask, he’s not the outlier; I am. He’s twenty-three years older than me and is the oldest. Going on down to Ian, the ninth in our merry little band, who’s nine years older than me. Aaron’s first born is older than I am by a few months.”

“Whoa. See, me, I’m the eldest. It’s just me and Maryam. She raises schnauzers and shows them. I think our mom’s getting tired of showing, so she and Dad are grooming Maryam to pass the torch and stuff. I’m the Black Sheep of the family, the only one on the force. Or rather I was. What do your folks do?”

She pinched the bridge of her nose and took a swig of coffee before answering. “They died when I was eleven. Skimmer accident over Nereid.”

No One is Safe (from a) Rating

The story has a K+ rating.


I loved kicking off this series although I can see places to cut this one. When I ended NaNoWriMo, it was just under 97k words long, and it is should probably go down to the upper 80s or so.

Which timeline is right, when no one is safe? #amwriting

Want More About The Time Addicts Trilogy?

If this article resonates with you, then check out my other articles about this sub-trilogy that’s all about time travel and how it can go more than a little bit, shall we say, ca ca.

Time Addicts Characters:

• Josie James
† Carmen D’Angelo, MD
• Dalton Farouk
Tad Lewis
• Cyndi Mendez
† Bobby Brodie
• Keisha Darnell
† Vera Travers

Josie’s Family:

• Aaron James
† Avalon (Loni) James
• Bryan James-Rosen
† Harvey James-Rosen
• Chasten James-Rosen
† Ellen James-Rosen
• Matthew James-Rosen
† Connie James
• Deborah James Vinson
† Tyrell Vinson
• Nichelle Vinson
† Troy Vinson
• Emily James
† Frances James Walsh
• Gina Walsh
† Gregory James
• Mercedes Perez James
† Hailey James Shapiro
• Dov Shapiro
† Dinah Shapiro
• Saddik Shapiro
† Ian James

Time Addicts Books:

No One is Safe
Nothing is Permanent
Everything is Up for Grabs

The Obolonk Universe

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Descriptions in Fiction Writing

Descriptions matter. A lot.

All About Descriptions

Descriptions are a must. You need them for any type of writing beyond the barest drabbles. Involve the reader in the piece. And that means pulling descriptive prose out of your head. You must commit it to paper or pixels.

But there is a balancing act that comes along with this. Too much describing turns it all into a boatload of exposition. While you do need some exposition, too much will grind your storyline to a screeching halt.


Scene setting is covered elsewhere in this blog. However, that’s closely related to your descriptive abilities. Consider what is important. And try not to turn it into a tour of a city or country (or planet’s) greatest hits.


Describe human beings as soon as you can. Unless the character’s appearance is some sort of spoiler, you should get their basics down quickly. Otherwise, your readers will picture one thing and, when they are told something different about the character, it will feel jarring to them.

If I think your Mary character is Asian, and then you later (finally!) tell me she’s a blonde, that has the potential to take me right out of the story.

I will blog about describing people of color elsewhere. For now, just concentrate on basic descriptors. Those are, generally: gender, age range, height, body size and shape, hair color (or baldness), facial hair if appropriate, and eye color. Furthermore, add any unique identifiers. These are a disability or tattoos or the like.

Think about what is normally considered in a standard police lineup. For example, police officers can’t conduct an overly suggestive American police lineup. And it might even be unconstitutional. That is, if the witness claims the suspect is male, then the lineup is no good if it consists of four females (not transmen) and one male.

More Natural Exposition and Descriptions

You don’t have to dump a garbage can full of expository data in the first sentence. A female pronoun or name can give away gender. A nickname might indicate age, such as Junior or Grandma. Maybe you can comment on agility or speed or fatigue in order to get physical condition across.

And height can come up fairly naturally if your character has to reach something on a high shelf, or look up or down at another character. Or maybe they have to determine if they’re tall enough to get onto an amusement park ride.

Any of these is better than a list of vital statistics. Those don’t really come up naturally unless you’re writing about medicine or, maybe, a beauty pageant or a sporting competition.


Describe aliens very quickly. The basics should still be your guide. However, you might need to cover other issues, such as whether they can speak or hear, or whether they can breathe our air.

Descriptions: Takeaways

Give your readers as much of the picture as is necessary. Don’t describe the corners of the room unless you need to. But at least tell them there’s a room.

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Writing Exposition

Exposition Should Be Your Superpower

This is because exposition works.

First of all, exposition basically means a literary device intended to describe a character’s background, or “our story so far”. It can be done elegantly, with flashbacks or dialogue or even a character finding something or other.

It can be clunky, like when characters say, “As you know, …” and then proceed to clue in the reader but then tell the other characters everything they should, logically, already know. For example, one doctor telling another one how chemotherapy works would denote really clunky exposition.

Clunkiness was rather memorably skewered by the Basil Exposition character in Austin Powers, International Man of Mystery. However, you and I don’t want that to happen with our works. So we’ve got to try to be a lot more eloquent. Hence we’ve got to figure out how to clue in our readers in a more natural fashion. So consider your setting.

Using Settings for Exposition

What do I mean by this? Your story’s circumstances and your characters’ specifics might be places to sneak in some background. Are they spies? Spies get briefings. Are they museum goers? Museums have docents (specialized guides) and tours, and they also have guidebooks and even identification for paintings or artifacts. Hikers use trails. Motorists use maps (or GPS, if the time period is right).

There is nothing wrong with a character reading a street sign, either out loud or to themselves.

Here Now the News

Love or hate it, but a character reading a newspaper or listening to radio news or watching it on television can provide a level of exposition to your story which can be seamless and even elegant.

Chapter Titles

When your chapter title is Sunday, August 6, 2017, 11 AM, San Francisco Chinatown, you get across a ton of information in a very short space. And you do so without interrupting the flow of the story unnecessarily.

Character Names and Occupations

These are more subtle, but if your characters have names like Maria, Vito, Anna, Guido, and Antonio, your reader will think Italy or at least an Italian family. If your characters have occupations such as blacksmith, miller, alchemist, and barber surgeon, your reader will think of medieval times.

The New Guy

There is a damned fine reason why a lot of television pilots involve someone coming to a new city or starting a new job. This is because explaining the story and the plot and characters to the new kid in town is perfectly natural.

“Excuse me, but where’s the spaceship parking bay?”

“Oh, it’s next to the mess hall. I’m Dave; I do the regular run to Venus every Thursday.”

It’s natural, it flows, and it doesn’t bog down the story.

Interweaving Exposition

Yet another method is to weave the exposition into the story or the dialog.

“You have great eyes. I love that color blue.”

“My mom always said they looked like the ocean. But I grew up in Kansas and I confess I didn’t see the ocean until I was thirty.”


“You look like hell.” She nodded toward the wound on his arm.

“Oh, you should see the other guy.”

Get it?

Exposition, Scenes, and Character Descriptions

While not 100% the same as character descriptions, your standard bit of exposition is really just another flavor of describing … something. And while it’s a problem if the only time you describe people is when they aren’t white, it’s less of an issue when you don’t go into detail about something we should already know.

A modern day city is likely to have streets with traffic, perhaps outdoor vendors, maybe office buildings, and definitely crowds of people. Mainly, you may need to separate Philadelphia from Mumbai, or the like. For God’s sake, read some maps (and make sure they are for the correct year!) before describing a city you don’t know.

Hell, do that even for a city that you do know. And let me make one thing perfectly clear. Try not to turn it into a travelogue. I can practically guarantee to you that, unless they work there or are showing a tourist around, New Yorkers do not go waltzing into the Empire State Building all the time.


Exposition is truly vital in writing but you need to get it across without a dump of information. Read back your exposition. If it reads like a text book, or it goes on for too long, see about changing it but also about breaking it up. A bit of exposition here and there, even if it’s the same amount as in your big info dump, will stick out a lot less.

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Writing a Blurb

Are You in the Thinking About Writing a Blurb?

Have you ever written a blurb for a book? Here’s how.

Grab the Reader’s Attention

The most effective blurbs are:

• short
† specific as to genre (don’t be coy; if it’s horror, then say so!)
• open about who the protagonist is
† spoiler-free
• not a rehash of the first chapter or the entire plot
† neutral about the quality of your work (don’t say: this is an incredible book. Your saying that does not make it so. Sorry.)

So keep in mind – these are not the same as the summary you write for a query.

Blurb Samples

In this fantasy tale, Dorothy is whisked away by a twister to an unknown magical land. But first she has to deal with the quite literal fallout of her house landing on, and killing, a wicked witch.

Blurbs give us an idea about the story, and they make us want to read more. Also, a blurb for The Wizard of Oz would likely be longer than the above. The idea would be to better reflect the work’s complexity and length. It would likely cover more than just the opening scenes.

While a long book does not need to have a long blurb, it at least could conceivably support one. However, a short novel probably would not.

Unless, of course, you’ve written The Great Gatsby or To Kill a Mockingbird.

Spoiler alert: you probably have not.


Some More Blurb Samples

Reclusive millionaire Jay Gatsby leads the good life in 1920s New York. As his friend Nick Carraway watches, Gatsby’s life takes a turn with the arrival of the all-too appealing yet all-too married Daisy Buchanan.

Or –

Scout and Jem Finch live in Alabama with their widowed father, Atticus, the town’s leading lawyer. It’s the 1930s, and Maycomb seems far from sophistication or enlightenment.

And so the trouble starts when a black man is accused of raping a white woman – and Scout’s father agrees to defend the accused.

Get in Some Practice

We all have to start somewhere, and we have all got to practice.

Yes, even you.

This is a skill like any other. Or, rather, it is unlike any other. And a lot of us can become paralyzed with fear and self-doubt when we try. That is totally understandable.

After all, a lot is riding on just a simple blurb.

So, start small.

I honestly think practicing on classic novels is a good idea. It’s not fraught with meaning because you’re not trying to sell anything.

In fact, I bet it would make a pretty cool game. That is, write a blurb, don’t give away the title, and then ask the other player to Name That Book.


Practicing on works that are not your own can help you get started. It’s a lot easier because there is nothing riding on writing a blurb for a novel you did not write.

Get in some practice and give yourself some grace. It won’t be perfect immediately.

Back to you.

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Reading the Writing Social Signals

What are Social Signals?

The social media landscape is vast and varied. But one thing the sites all seem to have in common is algorithms. And those algorithms work by way of counting and weighing what are called social signals.

In our offline lives, we emit social signals all the time although some are muddier than others. If you proactively join your school’s alumni association, then you are emitting a signal which says you value either your education or your school or maybe the friends you made there.

When you insist on referring to yourself as Doctor … then you are also discharging a signal.

Other signals come from our choices of everything from mates to dining establishments to screen names or even to how we decorate.

Let’s Go Online

So, the truth is that the way social signals get an interpretation depends, in large part, on whether you’re a human or a bot/computer.

So, let’s look at both means of interpretation in turn.

Social Signals for People

Human beings are essentially wired to prefer what the group likes. And there is a very good, evolution-style reason for this! Fitting into a group means you have help with everything from child rearing to food gathering.

Yes, of course there are hermits out there. And the crowd is not always right. Not by any stretch of the imagination. And when a crowd turns into an angry mob, well, all bets are off.

But as a species we love popularity. And, at the same time, we also love positive things. Usually. So, if everyone else loves X, then we can often feel the need to check out X, whatever it may be. Signals of positive appreciation are meaningful to us.

These signals include:

† Star rating systems
• Rankings
† Number of positive reviews
• A lack (or a dearth) of negative reviews
† Endorsements from people we listen to and admire
• Shelf space or “want to read” lists
† Prominence on a shelf or in a collection
• Number of followers/admitted readers

An online seller or social media platform will often put its virtual thumb on the scale. Hence, a certain number of reviews of any stripe might result in Amazon delivering your book to more pages.

Also, rankings are likely to generate more suggestions for readers. E.g. if you liked X, you should check out Y.

Apart from newness and uniqueness, this is the way many algorithms work online.

Rankings on Amazon in particular also offer up another signal—the happy orange ribbon that says “#1 bestseller”. Amazon also gathers together bestsellers for their own grouping, which is at the top—prime real estate.

How to Use ‘Em

To take advantage of some of these signals, watch your rankings on Amazon. If you ever hit #1, take screenshots! You can easily use them in your marketing materials.

In April, 2023, my book was #1 in the ___ category. And then just add the screenshot to whatever you like—tweet, FB post, newsletter, blog post, Instagram image, etc. Even a year later, that can still look impressive.

And no one really needs to know that your genre is tiny and your category is even tinier.

This is one manner of leveraging the signals. Further down, I’ll get into some more ideas. But for now, let’s turn to the bots.

Bots/Apps/Algorithms/Search Engines/Computers

I’ve already alluded to some of this. If there is a line of code in the algorithm that says something like feed more profiles this book if there are a lot of reviews — it’s probably going to be very numbers-oriented. The code (in English) would be something like:

If a book has 10 reviews, feed the info to 5% more profiles. Change to 10% profiles if there are 30 reviews. For 100 reviews, change to 25% more profiles. And for 1,000 reviews, double the number of pages where the info is fed.

Are these numbers accurate? Probably not. And I am deliberately being somewhat vague here because Amazon and any other site guards these secrets closely—and they test and change them, anyway.

But no matter what, a bot or other non-human won’t be able to follow social signals unless they are extremely well-defined.

Another signal, in addition to the ones above, is tags.

Tag, Tag, What is a Tag?

It’s a subcategorization system more than anything else. When Amazon was first in business, it’s highly likely that no one had come up with the idea of anything like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

So, when it was published, where was Amazon supposed to put it? With Austen’s Regency romances? With Stephen King’s horror? Miscellaneous?

The answer to both may very well be yes. And with proper tagging, readers can find it. Also, they can get an idea of what’s inside the book. If someone needs a trigger warning, tags (and even categories) can provide some assistance to readers.

Proper tags and categories clue in readers. They also provide a means of comparison. If you loved Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, you might like Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Slayer. But it’s less likely (albeit not impossible) that you’d like a pair of fuzzy slippers for your dog.

Leveraging Social Signals

First and foremost, ask for reviews! I found that the best thing to do was to respond to people. That is, if someone messaged me and said they liked Untrustworthy, then I asked them to review it. And I made it clear—even a short review is fine.

For people who would not review (or even didn’t like it!), I just asked them to rate a review as helpful to them. Whichever review it was, even a somewhat negative one, that would work for me.

On an Amazon author page, shoppers can sort by (among other methods) number of reviews and average customer review. Making it possible for shoppers to view my list of works a few different ways is, in a way, another of the social signals.

It creates a bit of novelty, and that attracts people. We’re also hard-wired to like variety and novelty.

Sales drive up rankings. But rankings can fall fast. So, why not talk to people who have expressed an interest in buying your book? Ask if they’ll buy within a particular time frame, or if they’ll preorder (yet another of the social signals!).

Offer a discount for a limited time. Any of these can, legitimately and ethically, drive up sales.

And, in turn, sales will drive up rankings.

Beyond Amazon, social signals also take the shape of likes on Facebook, retweets on Twitter, and even reblogging on Tumblr.

Speed, positivity, and novelty are your best friends, when it comes to social signaling.


Ethics are paramount. Don’t jack up social signals as a means to cheat readers or platforms. But there is nothing wrong with having good timing. Oh, and your characters? You can even use a character questionnaire to try to inform their virtual, fictional social signals as well.

Social Signals — can YOU read them? #amwriting

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Can a Character Questionnaire Help Inspire You?

What is a Character Questionnaire?

At its essence, a character questionnaire is a set of questions about a character. Seems obvious, right? Master Class has a good one.

A character questionnaire is not strictly necessary when putting together characters. But it can be very helpful. This is particularly the case if you are early in the process and still getting to know a character.

Some questionnaires seem to be overly complex. Or the questions address one area of a character’s personality in depth but not others.

Hence you will want to add some depth but probably some randomness as well. So, let’s look at the whole thing in pieces.

Here are some questions which might help.


Of course you want to know some basics about the character. What is their name, and how old are they during the story? Gender is often important. But sexuality may or may not be. Educational level is probably also something you want to know.

• Name
† Date of birth
• Gender assigned at birth/current gender if different
† Sexuality
• Height (consider if you need English or metric measurements for this and weight)
† Weight
• Educational level
† Siblings, if any
• Place in the birth order (if applicable)
† Whether parents or other close relatives are still alive
• Socio-economic background

Details for Your Own Personal Character Questionnaire

There’s more to a name than just … the name. Was your character named after someone? Are they a junior, a senior, a seventeenth?

Beyond going into horoscopes, a date of birth can inform a few things, not just whether someone is the eldest in a group. After all, if like me your character was born in early September, then if they’re in the modern world, school probably started right about the time of their birthdays.

Gender, gender roles, and gender changes all matter. If a person has body dimorphism, that is far different from if they just don’t like being (for example) female and upset that society keeps them from making more money.

Height isn’t just a yardstick. It’s also whether your character can reach stuff on high shelves or needs to duck through doorways. Weight? These days, you can be rather quickly and unfairly judged about your weight.

Educational level will inform how a character speaks, and perhaps also what you have them read. Are they quick on the uptake? Do they solve the puzzle first—or should they?

Siblings and place in birth order can give you an idea of whether a character feels overly responsible, or seems horribly spoiled, or doesn’t feel like they belong anywhere.

Parents—living or dead—will loom large. Is your character estranged from their parents? Orphaned? Is Mom or Dad in jail? Did the character kill one of them? Was one of them deadbeat, never known by your character? Or is your character adopted?

Socio-economic background can inform your character’s opportunities in life. It can also define if their growth was stunted, if they hoard food, or if they waste money.

Relationship Queries

Even if a piece is not a romance, understanding a character’s relationship history can prove fruitful.

† First serious relationship
• Also, the first serious relationship after coming out, if applicable
† Marital status
• Have they ever been in love?
† Are they ace/aero (asexual or aromantic)?
• Do they let anyone get close to them?
† Do they have any kinks?


Beyond the parental and sibling relationships listed above, how does your character relate to anyone they’re interested in romantically? How serious did they get, and how soon? Are they a virgin? If not, when did they lose their virginity? Are they happy with that?

Is their sexuality set or fluid? Or is it repressed or so closeted that they don’t even realize they’re closeted?

Have they ever been married? Divorced, separated, or widowed? If so, what was the wedding like?

Have they ever loved anyone? Was it romantic? Chaste? From afar? Unrequited? Or was it some borderline stalking?

Has anyone ever gotten close to them? Also, are they vanilla, or are they in a dom/sub situation, or something else?

Work and School

Again, even if you never show work or education, it will help to inform the piece.

• Highest level of education attained
† Age when classes ended (that is, were they a dropout, or did they graduate?)
• Current employment
† Industry
• Basic tasks/duties
† If a supervisor/manager, number of direct and indirect reports

Details for This Part of Your Character Questionnaire

So, can you call your character doctor or professor? Or are they even literate? Did they drop out to help the family or because they were failing?

Where do they work, or are they unemployed? Also, do they even need to work? Are they perhaps an unpaid caregiver of some sort?

If they work outside the home (so, not necessarily literally for work from home and hybrid jobs), what’s the industry? Is it creative? Caregiving? Something in business? Do they work with their hands?

When the working day ends, how tired are they? Are they injured? Or are they so stressed out they can barely see straight? How does the commute (if any) treat them?

Can anyone call your character boss? Also, what kind of a boss are they? Do they rule with an iron fist, or are they empathetic? Sexist? Absent?


So, after you’re about the age of eight or so, people stop asking you what your favorite dinosaur is. It’s as if they don’t even care! But you can always ask your characters!

Their faves can also include:

• Person
† Food
• Place
† Workout or place to walk
• Season
† Subject in school

And so on and on. Musicians can have a favorite guitar or glockenspiel. Carpenters can have a preferred hammer. The sky is literally the limit here.


Rather than listing various personality traits, it makes more sense to instead ask questions. Pretend as if you’re interviewing your character for some reason or another. Maybe it’s for a newspaper article, or a job. Whatever the pretense is, ask about things like:

• So, are you a morning or an evening person?
† In a group, do you lead, follow, check out, or something else?
• If you found a wallet full of money in the street, what would you do?
† Do you believe in God? Also, do you follow any religion?
• Who has been the most influential person in your life so far?
† What’s the most daring thing you have ever done? And would you ever do it again?
• How’s your mental health?


So the truth is, the more you treat your characters like people, the more your readers will see them as people. Adding depth will also help you write them, and know when you’re having them say or do something out of character.

If you don’t know your characters, who else could possibly know them? So, ask!

Oh, and another thing. This kind of a questionnaire can even help you with getting story ideas. No lie!

A character questionnaire can help. Just don’t treat it like gospel.

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