Do You Know How Social Media Can Ruin Your Life?
Woo doggy, social media can really do it to you.
Oh. My. God.
You did WHAT???!?!?!?
Quick, lemme tweet it!
No, I’ll take a picture and upload it to Instagram.
And I can’t forget to blog it!
This kind of gaffe deserves a Facebook post, too!
So, you know what’s it like. You post a selfie taken at the ballgame. Except you told your boss that you were home sick, with the flu. You were supposed to be with your significant other.
But, oops, you checked into a locative media site. But it was with your friend. You know, the one with benefits. Or maybe you rant against your kid’s soccer coach on Twitter. But then he calls you out on it.
Hence in May of 2014, The Boston Globe presented a half a dozen ways that social media can ruin your life.
And the article presents some boneheaded moves, including a poor choice of a Halloween costume (because evidently the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing are a laugh riot to someone out there), a Candy Crush addiction, and some poorly thought out tweets.
You Did What?
I’m sure that the following will, eventually, be the kinds of behaviors that could be added to a successor article (Note: some of these are real, some are speculative. I won’t name names. So you decide whether any of these have really happened, or are still in the ‘maybe’ column):
1. How about claiming a permanent injury for your lawsuit and then checking in from a dance contest?
2. Or what about if you blow off a court-ordered Gamblers’ Anonymous meeting for a trip to the track – also adding a selfie with the dogs or horses running their hearts out in the background.
3. Or dissing your ex, big time, on Facebook or X, and your child growing up to read your sunshiny status updates.
4. And then maybe a job interview, as you tout your fine record of academic achievement, with old Instagram photos of you showing off your barely passing C-average transcript.
5. Finally, politicians caught with underage drinking photos, sexting, pictures of their junk, and a panoply of other nuggets of oversharing.
I love social media but man oh man, people! But have a little self-control and some common sense.
So, Do You Want More About Social Networks and Platforms?
So, if my experiences with non-platform-specific social networking and media resonate with you, then check out my other articles about navigating our social media obsessed world.
Social Media in Our Society
† … Continues its Relentless Pace
• … Seduction AKA Oops, Did I Do That?
† … Background Check Being Used For Jury Selection
• Hope, Hype or What?
† Balance
• How … Can Ruin Your Life
† Happy Holidays, … Style
In Addition, Reviews of Books on Social Networking
• Social Media Marketing by Liana Evans, A Book Review
† Book Review – Likeable Social Media by Dave Kerpen
• The Zen of Social Media Marketing by Shama Hyder Kabani, a Book Review
Additionally, Working with Social Platforms
† A Day in the Life of a Marketer
• Five Ways for Charities to use Social Networking
† Four Important Stats
• Social Networking Tips
† The Best Lengths for Posts, also More
• Jell-O on the Wall: Perfection is Fleeting
† When NOT to Post on Platforms
Also, Social Media for Writers
• The Power of Social Media (Neurotic Writers’ Edition)
† … and Writing
• … also Writing Part 2
† … and Writing Part 3
• Are You Promoting Your Writing With Social Media?
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